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Farm 3 with 1500 troops!?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:14 am
by Masterita
How does a player acquire 1500 troops with only a farm level of 3 and barracks level of 5 in just 6 hours!? No guild to send support, troops are inside the city. all other leves are 5 or less.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:03 pm
by Orlor
Is that an inactive player or barbarian city? Please contact our support team with the worlds/city coordinate for it. Details to do so can be found in my signature.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:16 pm
by Luckikun
Could it be support troops from his/her guild?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:52 pm
by Kaleel
@Masterita: Expanding upon Luckikun's question, a possible explanation is that the player in question (1) joined a guild, (2) received support troops from a guildmate, then (3) left the guild (but the guildmate has not yet recalled the troops).

Does this seem plausible?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:57 pm
by Duke24
^Yes that would be very likely.