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Family Guilds: Good or bad?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:15 am
by Valonsire
See title. Are family guilds a step towards an ideal utopian future? Or a sure way towards stagnation and damnation?

My views: Family guilds are the worst thing to happen to Valor. I mean seriously, how many guilds do I have to see with the prefix "KTC MV TG (Guild name)(number)" before I have to gouge my eyes out? I swear in W49 where I play, My guild was invited to a family guild with a name similar to the above, and at the bottom of the message there were at least 20 tribes listed, all with the same name except for the number at the end. I mean seriously?

Do none of the players out there have a spine? Does the Valor community lack backbone? Im assuming thats the purpose of family guilds right? In order to become so large and massive that you become safe within the folds of a "family". Where the hell did the competition go? What happened to guilds fighting for #1? Now instead of working for the #1 spot, guilds just 'join the family' to gain it.


Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:12 pm
by Tooltip
Tried that, got attacked by everyone.

Being independent guild paints a target on your back. If you can survive great, if you can't join or be destroyed.

To everyone else, your either their meal or another soldier to add to their ranks.

There is no escape.

Edit: Oh, it's no guarantee of safety. Cause everyone also wants to take the alliance down.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:49 pm
by LordJAG
The guy above is right. You need to quit your utopian dreams of sucsess if you think you can do it all your lonsome. Mega guilds still fight and work as on large team.
Im sick of NEWBIES! Thinking they can do it everything themselfves and want rank because they think they are bad a** when they are nothing!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:24 am
by Greyzz
family guild will makes us stronger.
we are all competitors but its not a wrong choice to make a coalition, rather than u stand there alone against them all..
its not that ones afraid to be alone against all..but yea we dont think that we can win against them all rite ?
at least i dont, i need my guild member to support each others' back to survive..
no offense :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:52 pm
by Goldnagger
The guild that gets surrounded within the coalition suffers. They will have to make a big stride to get a city and bypass their allies.

There is also the politics of claiming cities, which gets annoying. In my opinion it's a failed system that will eventually get old and cause players to drop out due to boredom. BOREDOM I tell you.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:19 pm
by Muhuhaha
It is part of the game if you dont join a family other people will. There is no way to stop this.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:10 am
by Notch
I choose courage over cowardice however there are good points made by both sides here. But it wont matter in the end, nothing is going to change.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:50 pm
by Destroyer75
It all depends on your guild if you have a small one family guilds are good and helpful if you are a big guild just dont take them too seriously or get stabbed in the back

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:32 am
by Valonsire
This thread wasn't meant to change way Valor is played, merely to provoke some discussion.

LordJAG wrote:The guy above is right. You need to quit your utopian dreams of sucsess if you think you can do it all your lonsome. Mega guilds still fight and work as on large team.
Im sick of NEWBIES! Thinking they can do it everything themselfves and want rank because they think they are bad a** when they are nothing!

First off, being in a family guild does not make you badass, I'm sorry lol. The game already encourages teamwork by letting you be in a guild. A guild of guilds seems redundant.

A few Reasons why (I think) Solo guilds are better than fam guilds:

1. Communication. An IDEAL family guild will have every member active and talkative. Unfortunately this is not usually the case. The longer the line of communication, the less chance of there being a timely response.

2. Guild intimacy. Its impossible to get to know everyone in the family. Why would I sacrifice my entire army for someone halfway across and world who barely knows my name?

3. Lack of competition. This explains itself. This will eventually lead to boredom. Sure you might gain 100+ cities, but if you have no one to fight, then why bother?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:49 pm
by LordJAG
Trust me, Large guilds everything you just said! Thats what KAKAO is for. Sound to me like your jusr disgruntled about somthing. Lets test your theory. I wont ask for help, find me and attack me with all your might and find were your troops end up? half dead and running to a family guild for help.
You make a valid point. but its just a game norm that wont happend