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recall support problems

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:28 am
by ArchDragon
hi guys

am I the only one thinking anyone should be able to recall partially troops ?
exemple : sent sentries in a location then need part of them elsewhere.
recall ALL + resend 50/50 in new+old locations ... :rolleyes:
Vs recall 50 only then re-asign ...

exemple 2 :
sent sentries and guardians need only guardians back home ... must recall all ... :rolleyes:

Also I fill it weird to include support sent in other cities, not moving, as part of the
outgoing max limit of commanders. if I were to support 25 cities, I could not make
any other move from that city. :rolleyes:
so commanders limit should be put only to outgoing MOVES.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:12 pm
by Tooltip
I suppose the reason why support uses a commander is to prevent players from setting tripwires on every city of every guild mate.

Also, why wouldn't a commander stay with the troops, regardless if it was moving or not.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:33 am
by ArchDragon
tripwire every single city of all guildmates is possible, just need several cities yourself ...

the "commander" is only the cap ... could be the "queen mother" herself ... that is still a weird cap ...

anyway Im against and you are for ...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:54 am
by larlis
This was actually the case previous when the support "batches" weren't limited and there was no such thing as a commander of the support troops. You could divide up your forces and when they landed in the city they would still be the same as when you sent them (meaning they didn't become one "batch" in the city). This changed around the same time when the chaos thing came into play so i guess it had something to do w servers or something..?
Still, it was great being able to divide your troops in smaller numbers or by different kinds of troops and if needed to withdraw some of them not all. I would gladly see this change back if possible.