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Guild World 11 Timing!!

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:43 pm
by DarkDestiny
Greetings Valorians!

In GW 11 (Or GW111 When it first opened!) it appeared that only around 300 players jumped, with not many active.

We had no prior notification of the impending GW 11 opening from within Valor and this caused chaos due to most of our players being taken by surprise on the launch day, this made it difficult to gather a coherent team together from our pool of players who had won 3 standard worlds that we had won earlier in the year. Bad timing, being close to christmas and New Year holidays etc also had a very negative effect on players time in game with our preference of course given to real life and family at that time. We all worked very hard to build up to this event and feel let down by poor communication and organization from quark (Or whoever now owns valor games rights). Rumors circulated on Kakao etc that Quark was sold or closing etc and key Quark employees had moved on to pastures new. All very unsettling and not reassuring to be able to bring teams together quickly in that environment.

I am now in the annoying position of having our core leadership team fragmented by this and temporarily committed elsewhere to other world jumps and helping other "friendly guilds" with previous agreed commitments.

We (Dawg Pound & DTA Guilds) strive and endeavor to play an honorable game which in itself is difficult enough when other guilds just want to sell the family silver to get a win, and Quark pull the rug out from under us.

Best Regards

Co-Crown Dawg Pound
Formerly Co-Crown DTA Death to All, Myrmidons.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:32 am
by Angusandnico
It's not timing. It's just no one plays gw anymore. Gw b4 this was barely half full 2. U buy gws with alts, coins and glitches. It's y no one shows up anymore. It's just FarmVille for rich kids.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:18 pm
by DarkDestiny
I raised a ticket quoting the above and Quark did reply very quickly to be fair. They stated that no notification was given on this occasion in game, but that the GW 11 opening was posted on Facebook and somewhere on these forums. I missed that and don't have a Facebook account nor want one lol. I suggested a Quark Twitter feed as these can be sent repeatedly with alerts setup etc.

Best Regards

Co-Crown Dawg Pound
Formerly Co-Crown DTA Death to All, Myrmidons.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:08 am
by Angusandnico
Last few gws have only half filled up, so it's on par population wise with previous ones. Suspect that's y they dropped from 1000 to 500 pop. That plus guilds were keeping worlds open to time with the gw of their choice. It is bad that they didn't send an ingame notification, but I highly doubt this one gw would have been the one to fill up, vs previous ones.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:03 pm
by Carpenteer
Also in gw12 the world again only has a few hundred players instead of up to 500. When looking back to gw11 wich I played I fully agree that Valor could have done a better job in communicating the start of that world. Many players started days after the opening of the world, which is killing. Best would be if Valor would link to guild leaders via Kakao and announce via that channel. Or grow maximum amount of players back to 750 (30 guilds) instead of 500. Or give guilds which did not win the previous guild world the opportunity to join the next gw to have another chance to win. Just some thoughts.