Law of Valor

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Law of Valor

Postby Gemmini » Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:58 pm

Valor's Murphy's Law

1. Whenever all players are available for and op, Valor goes down.

2. Jump rooms are often busier than op rooms.

3. Op rooms are chattier than Chat rooms.

4. Support rooms turn into Op rooms.

5. The word "B##bs" always attracts comments

6. Op info gets buried by chats when you have 5 min to send attack

7. A 3 second game lag puts your attack 12 seconds behind.

8. Walls regenerate on the one farm wave you didn't send clears for

9. Phone dies when enemy launches on you

10. A mid-night ****-break valor check always results in Ops being conducted against you --then you stay up all night and 1. drag ass at work, or 2. **** off significant other and end up sleeping on couch.

11. If there is a possibility that one critical player won't show for op--they won't show.

12. If every part of op is well planned, perfectly prepared, someone will send early

13. If an op is going well, something was overlooked

14. Luck always favors the defender, especially when you have just one loyalty point to go before you cap

15. A perfect format for ops is developed, then someone complains about it

16. All other players have more experience than you

17. When you need support the worst, chat room is busy and support room is quiet

18. When chat rooms really get interesting, someone always kills it.

19. Every room has a spy, especially when guild starts loosing

20. If KAKAO post has a "view all" requirement, some one will always cut the list--and it is usually noticed too late! Then some one complains without fixing it.

21. The best feeling for a Valorian is capping a city, the best feeling for a guild is Trucing a player.

Honorable mentions are sniping nerds and watching players jump guilds to defend.

22. When sending attacks in haste, your nerd is left behind.

23. When capping two targets at once, one clear will arrive after nerds.

24. If you have a x-fire on a properly claimed target, and cap the city, keep it because sooner or later that guild will be enemy anyway.

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