Spawning New Worlds

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Spawning New Worlds

Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Sat May 23, 2015 4:42 pm

New players wander how to start a new world.... Here you go. Old worlds that are filling up have a max compactly. You must fill them first and a new world is set to auto start. 1k worlds require 1007-1015 player to cause a new world to start. 1000 is not the key! I have tons of worlds to prove that. You must pull your group together in a jump room and hold for prime jump time. When the old world gets close to closing you get all of your crew to jump into the old world. This will close it out and cause new world to open. The spawn into new world as you want to. Best spawn timing is in 4 hours intervals breaking your group up to spawn with there time zones.

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