The price of Gold

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The price of Gold

Postby Ouweh » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:59 am

How come the price of gold is cheaper when you buy two mini packs instead off a basic pack?
Two times 3,99 (euro) = 7,98 whereas a basic pack costs 7,99 (Euro)
Wouldn't it be better to lower the price of the basic pack or give more gold fot that amount of money?
Marketing wise speaking ....

This also goes for the basic versus standard pack.

Come on, we all know the Euro is in a crisis,
Besides that, there are over 2 million people playing this game......
Let's say 10% buys a basic pack, that means a staggering 799.000 Euro!!!!!
And that 10% is a really really low estamate...

Developers need payment, servers and bandwith need payment (pst, put it in a cloud!!), mr. O needs payment, but if it keeps on going like this, hmmz...
Count me in on this, I can do some things around here ;) (payed that is)

So in the end, remember I started all this because of 1 cent????
Damn guys, and girls, come on give us a break, and a bargain we can deal with.

Thx for your time.


Postby Orlor » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:41 pm


First I want to thank you for the constructive feedback. Posts like these are the ones we like to see regarding systems in game or pretty much anything regarding Valor.

The buying gold works the same for the USD version also. The Mini Pack costs $4.99 which gives 100 gold and the Basic Pack costs $9.99 and gives 200 gold. So it isn't just for Euros, probably for all money types.

As for payment for Mr. O, he is a volunteer moderator. Just like DanielJ and HellJumperNova they help out all of you because they enjoy the game and want to build up the community.

Please keep up the constructive feedback!

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Postby Mr. O » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:06 pm

Wait a minute!
I'm meant to be getting paid? When was that meant to be happening? Do i get back pay? Is it hourly or monthly?

Also - Ouweh, always feel free to give feedback, even if it is negative.
If you don't, we don't know if we are doing a good or bad job. We may not agree, but we do appreciate it.

As for the actual values of the gold, I'm afraid that I have no voice in that matter, that's Orlor or Tim you need to talk to about that.
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Postby Montressors » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:11 pm

I was just about to post a thread like this when I accidentaly saw this one... lucky :P

Well the thing is that the gold values are really messed up. I mean, marketing-wise people are supposed to get benefits from buying larger quantities of a product, which is the reason why it gets sold... no one likes to buy more for no benefit. The bigger the benefit, the more likely a customer is to buy the larger amount of product. This "benefit" usually means huuge discounts.

I'll give you an example just because I want this to be very very clear.

Here is the example of another web-based strategy game called Tribal Wars (Im sure most people know the game) In Tribal Wars the equivalent of "Gold" is called "Premium points". Here is an exact copy of these Premium Points' purchase values:

60 Premium Points $2.99 USD
200 Premium Points $5.99 USD
600 Premium Points $14.99 USD
1,500 Premium Points $29.49 USD
5,000 Premium Points $73.99 USD


At 60 Premium Points, Cost per Premium Point= $0.050
At 200 Premium Points, Cost per Premium Point= $0.030 (Notice the 40% discount)
At 600 Premium Points, Cost per Premium Point= $0.025 (Notice the 50% discount)
At 1,500 Premium Points, Cost per Premium Point= $0.019 (Notice the 60%+ discount)
At 5,000 Premium Points, Cost per Premium Point= $0.014 (Notice the 70%+ discount)

Me and lots of users noticed this. What do you think happened? LOTS of users bought the 1,500 and 5,000 Premium Points pack.

Now I'll show you Valor's purchase Values:

100 Gold $4.99 USD
200 Gold $9.99 USD
400 Gold $19.99 USD
1050 Gold $49.99 USD
2200 Gold $99.99 USD


At 100 Gold, Cost per Unit= $0.04990
At 200 Gold, Cost per Unit= $0.04995 (Notice the INCREASE in the price)
At 400 Gold, Cost per Unit= $0.049975 (Notice the INCREASE in the price)
At 1050 Gold, Cost per Unit= $0.04760 (Notice the 4.6% discount)
At 2200 Gold, Cost per Unit= $0.04545 (Notice the 9% discount)

I mean... it's just outrageaous. Im not even going to argue how expensive gold is (it IS really expensive. In Valor, to mantain 2 blessings for a month costs more than a month of WoW).

As a matter of fact, just today i was going to purchase the 2,200 Gold pack, when I suddenly realized that for spending $95 extra dollars PlayMesh was only going to give me 9% discount over the original price. What do you think happened? I bought nothing.

I'm just pointing this out for you guys. I'm trying to say this in the most constructive way possible, and if I were you guys (Orlor and Tim) I'd find a way of letting PlayMesh know about this. They'd appreciate it

PD: Sorry if the post is a bit messy... that's why I'm an engineer and not a designer ^^

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Postby Kev265 » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:01 am

Another thing to note

making things like building cue are the blessing cheap enought (£1.50) a month for both means you could sell far more in quantity then a £4 purchase of gold

Currently it will cost me £12 a month for both blessings ( a must have) but Im not willing to pay that much a month if this was reduced to say £1.50 a month for both I'm sure thousands would purchase

Just a note :)

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Postby StuartLaws » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:33 am

I agree completely with what's been said above. Your purchase/market model for gold purchase is completely wrong.

As a customer I should be tempted to spend as much as possible on your product. Not think to myself, actually multiple buys of the lowest product would be better or as has become the case actually if they can't get that right I won't buy anything.

How about changing it to something like:

100 Gold = £0.99
200 Gold = £1.75
500 Gold = £3.99
1,000 Gold = £7.50
2,000 Gold = £13.99
5,000 Gold = £29.99
10,000 Gold = £55.00
20,000 Gold = £99.99
50,000 Gold = £219.99

This would then give you a gold value of between £0.0044 & £0.0099

With the majority of people regularly buying the 500, 1,000 & 5,000 packages.

Hopefully the above is useful :)


Postby PwnLaw » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:47 am

As initial matter, math is clearly against the terms of service and I won't stand for it. ;)

I think you guys are raising some interesting points. I'll make sure it is brought up in the next design meeting. No promises, but I wanted to let you know that your thoughts will get a hearing internally.

If there is a change (notice the if) you guys are welcome to take all of the credit for it and forever become known as the guys who got that one thing done in that game the one time. Which is pretty cool.

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Postby Kev265 » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:08 pm

Awesome :) great to get some feedback :) good luck with the talk

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Postby Tbspeed » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:37 pm

Just do what I do, don't buy gold!

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Too expensive

Postby Walkerboh » Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:26 pm

Yeah I agree with other posters. 100 gold for $5? I will probably never buy. 100 gold for $1? I would buy that, and I bet a lot more would too.

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