Are you returning the functionality or not?

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Are you returning the functionality or not?

Postby Ayaki » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:43 am

Major people have already barbed and left. Are you fixing this today or not?

I for one will not invest another minute in this game unless its fixed. The current version is unplayable for every reason already listed and its hard to believe anyone with more then one city signed off on this. Or, you got exactly what you wanted out of this. For all of the people that have already left over the last few months due to the unplayable multi city nature of your interface, this is what you come up with?

It was a fun game with a marginal interface to start, now, forget it.

This isnt a game to ignore for days while you decide what you are doing. Attacks happen in real time.

Have you attempted to attack someone with the new interface from multiple cities? I havent because i no longer can scroll through my troop levels and since the city name is so short, i cant even tell which city i am in.

Ok, its either fixed or it isnt. What is the verdict?

As a crown often quips "This is a war game, not a sim"

You just created a sim while the real war game players find games elsewhere,

There are about to be alot more barbs.

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Postby QEW » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:52 am

What have you done you morons! Great game now wrecked! Absolute trash now , you have stuffed the game completelely, it is so unfuctional/dysfunctional , if it's not fixed shortly I'm outa here with the thousands of others, fairdinkum what were you thinking you fools!!!!!!

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Postby Juditha » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:32 am

I will quit if not fix by tomorow,

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Postby Koology » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:48 am

Not trying to be mean but I am very very annoyed with this new update and whoever design and sign off on this new stupid freaking update needs to get fired ASAP!!!!! You guys are ****ing off a lot of players and u guys are getting a major bad review on the app store (if that even matters to u or anyone)

Get this fix today or this game will finished by tomorrow. Don't believe me? Just watch.

Btw.... If we didn't care we wouldn't be posting all this so call "advise" for you guys.


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Postby Biwin » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:32 am

Don't worry guys, they have a meeting tomorrow! </sarcasm>

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