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Questionable World... World 100

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:27 pm
by tskk
I have noticed some very odd things that took place in world 100 compared to other worlds(old and new) that make me question playmesh's true intent on creating the "special" world 100.

Highlights of World 100:
- Big guild sizes (100 member guilds)
- Faster world speeds and unit speeds
- Being able to play against Playmesh employees
- Earning free gold bounties for eliminating Playmesh employees

However, it the world seems very very crowded compared to other worlds.
Sure, it was advertised as THE world to be in for any veteran and new valor players, but the population is only around 27,000 players. Some of the older worlds with 50,000 players or more have cities that are more spread out. In World 100, players are placed literally right next to each other with many many regions which are left empty.

Also when joining, friends of the same guild decides on a jump time. (Jump time: When group of players join the world at the same time to be placed near each other). When this has worked without a problem in other worlds... pre-w100 worlds and post-w100 worlds... world 100 places us far apart. Entire regions apart in some cases despite joining the world seconds apart. (even tested with two of my own devices).

What could the two above points mean?
Perhaps, World 100 was Playmesh's idea of generating more revenue by advertising as a fun world to be in, when in reality, sucks people into situations to spending gold in order to survive (resource boosts and force more TRUCES)

Sure, they gave away fairly large amounts of gold with around 20-30 bounty-loaded playmesh employees.
And yes, i do understand this is a business. As with many businesses, you need some sort of income/revenue.

However, please don't treat valor players as a group of dumb gamers who are blind to these noticeable differences and perhaps? your true intent as a company. I don't mind the adverts, just don't trick me.

Tskk. w100

p.s. for those who think i am venting out of frustration for losing in world 100, im part of the top guild.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:11 pm
by PwnLaw
tskk wrote:I have noticed some very odd things that took place in world 100 compared to other worlds(old and new) that make me question playmesh's true intent on creating the "special" world 100.

Highlights of World 100:
- Big guild sizes (100 member guilds)
- Faster world speeds and unit speeds
- Being able to play against Playmesh employees
- Earning free gold bounties for eliminating Playmesh employees

However, it the world seems very very crowded compared to other worlds.
Sure, it was advertised as THE world to be in for any veteran and new valor players, but the population is only around 27,000 players. Some of the older worlds with 50,000 players or more have cities that are more spread out. In World 100, players are placed literally right next to each other with many many regions which are left empty.

Also when joining, friends of the same guild decides on a jump time. (Jump time: When group of players join the world at the same time to be placed near each other). When this has worked without a problem in other worlds... pre-w100 worlds and post-w100 worlds... world 100 places us far apart. Entire regions apart in some cases despite joining the world seconds apart. (even tested with two of my own devices).

What could the two above points mean?
Perhaps, World 100 was Playmesh's idea of generating more revenue by advertising as a fun world to be in, when in reality, sucks people into situations to spending gold in order to survive (resource boosts and force more TRUCES)

Sure, they gave away fairly large amounts of gold with around 20-30 bounty-loaded playmesh employees.
And yes, i do understand this is a business. As with many businesses, you need some sort of income/revenue.

However, please don't treat valor players as a group of dumb gamers who are blind to these noticeable differences and perhaps? your true intent as a company. I don't mind the adverts, just don't trick me.

Tskk. w100

p.s. for those who think i am venting out of frustration for losing in world 100, im part of the top guild.

So let's go through this piece by piece...

The World is more crowded because more players remained active in the world. In prior worlds, many new players would join and then ultimately quit, resulting in a far lower density of players. W100 is full of veterans that are there for the long haul.

We didn't change the spawning algorithm, and it's odd that you would spawn so far apart. If we are talking 2-3 regions apart, then that's to be expected given the rate of world join for W100, but if you spawned on the other side of the map, that's something I'd be willing to look into.

We joined the world for two reasons beyond a desire to wreck some people: (1) I wanted the entire company to engage with community and (2) I wanted to carefully catalog any bugs or other issues we experienced so I could better prioritize issues for after the launch of Trial By Sword. We added in a bounty as a fun way to enhance the experience for everyone involved.

As for objecting to being put into a situation where you are forced to survive, I don't really have sympathy for that viewpoint. If you want to make a pretty castle, there are other options. If you want to wallow in a blood bath where it's kill or be killed, Valor is your game. The impending release of Trial By Sword (next week we're hoping :D :D :D ) is going to make the game even more competitive. I expect that will be something the Valorians can get excited about, and the beta feedback seems to prove that expectation out.

W100 is a taste of what competitiveness can look like in Valor. W100 suffers from a lot of the things we think Trial By Sword will ultimately resolve (reduce the need for insane levels of diplomacy around claim disputes, increase the speed of the game, add an ending to worlds), so I'm interested to hear your feedback after the launch of TBS.

On the subject of revenue. Of course we want to make money -- I want to hire more engineers, bring more servers online, create new features and continuously improve Valor. We work at PlayMesh because we love games and we want to be involved in making something truly spectacular we can be proud of. This isn't about money for us, this is about creating great experiences. Money is a necessity that makes the creation of these experiences possible. :D

So what did we do with the bit of extra revenue from W100? I hired a quality assurance lead so we can redouble our efforts to eradicate bugs. Orlor wanted a Ferrari, but I guess that'll have to wait for W1000.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:00 pm
by TheGhost
PwnLaw wrote:
So what did we do with the bit of extra revenue from W100? I hired a quality assurance lead so we can redouble our efforts to eradicate bugs. Orlor wanted a Ferrari, but I guess that'll have to wait for W1000.

That Orlor and his fast cars… does he really think it will help him with the ladies?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:37 pm
by tskk
PwnLaw wrote:So let's go through this piece by piece...

The World is more crowded because more players remained active in the world. In prior worlds, many new players would join and then ultimately quit, resulting in a far lower density of players. W100 is full of veterans that are there for the long haul.

We didn't change the spawning algorithm, and it's odd that you would spawn so far apart. If we are talking 2-3 regions apart, then that's to be expected given the rate of world join for W100, but if you spawned on the other side of the map, that's something I'd be willing to look into.

We joined the world for two reasons beyond a desire to wreck some people: (1) I wanted the entire company to engage with community and (2) I wanted to carefully catalog any bugs or other issues we experienced so I could better prioritize issues for after the launch of Trial By Sword. We added in a bounty as a fun way to enhance the experience for everyone involved.

As for objecting to being put into a situation where you are forced to survive, I don't really have sympathy for that viewpoint. If you want to make a pretty castle, there are other options. If you want to wallow in a blood bath where it's kill or be killed, Valor is your game. The impending release of Trial By Sword (next week we're hoping :D :D :D ) is going to make the game even more competitive. I expect that will be something the Valorians can get excited about, and the beta feedback seems to prove that expectation out.

W100 is a taste of what competitiveness can look like in Valor. W100 suffers from a lot of the things we think Trial By Sword will ultimately resolve (reduce the need for insane levels of diplomacy around claim disputes, increase the speed of the game, add an ending to worlds), so I'm interested to hear your feedback after the launch of TBS.

On the subject of revenue. Of course we want to make money -- I want to hire more engineers, bring more servers online, create new features and continuously improve Valor. We work at PlayMesh because we love games and we want to be involved in making something truly spectacular we can be proud of. This isn't about money for us, this is about creating great experiences. Money is a necessity that makes the creation of these experiences possible. :D

So what did we do with the bit of extra revenue from W100? I hired a quality assurance lead so we can redouble our efforts to eradicate bugs. Orlor wanted a Ferrari, but I guess that'll have to wait for W1000.

Woaoh, okay, a lengthy reply so let me go through each piece by piece too.

yes, i am aware the world is full of veterans, some groups are even from the first initial worlds (worlds 1-5)
and yes, most are in for the long haul, but even with the small amount of players barb-ing out or players restarting after losing their last city, i see them spawning in the same limited regions.

but in regards to world spawning in, in regards to jump time, i cannot find reason to justify people being spawned in an entire region away.
During my back to back world joining tests, i would spawn in 3-4 spaces away x-coord wise and y-coord wise.
Eg. Account 1 (100,200) and Account 2 (103, 204)
Now then for being placed an entire region away, i find it highly improbable that such large # of people joined in at the same time.
Yes, there is probably a time where more people are active than others (suchs as daytime and nighttime) but this was repeated with the "starting over" in world 100.

Perhaps you could provide me with the spawn-in algorithm so that i can understand this better and figure out for myself how this could've happened. With that information, players like myself, can become more competitive like your desire for the game of valor.

Moving on to the "being forced into fighting for survival situations"+"revenue" Im not criticizing the "kill or be killed" environment, but the method in which you created it. The veterans know that you cannot win a world alone, forms a group, joins a world together, secures a region and expands from it... this was achieved previously with the jump time... which stated above, obviously didn't work.

It's great you are expanding as a company, not buying italian cars and continuing to invest in the game.
The players have noticed the reduced number error msgs or the frequency of server outages.
However, this puzzling problem in world 100 has been the cause of my discontent which has led to me questioning of the direction Playmesh is taking as a company.

Look forward to your reply.
Tskk. w100

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:55 pm
by PwnLaw
tskk wrote:Woaoh, okay, a lengthy reply so let me go through each piece by piece too.

yes, i am aware the world is full of veterans, some groups are even from the first initial worlds (worlds 1-5)
and yes, most are in for the long haul, but even with the small amount of players barb-ing out or players restarting after losing their last city, i see them spawning in the same limited regions.

but in regards to world spawning in, in regards to jump time, i cannot find reason to justify people being spawned in an entire region away.
During my back to back world joining tests, i would spawn in 3-4 spaces away x-coord wise and y-coord wise.
Eg. Account 1 (100,200) and Account 2 (103, 204)
Now then for being placed an entire region away, i find it highly improbable that such large # of people joined in at the same time.
Yes, there is probably a time where more people are active than others (suchs as daytime and nighttime) but this was repeated with the "starting over" in world 100.

Perhaps you could provide me with the spawn-in algorithm so that i can understand this better and figure out for myself how this could've happened. With that information, players like myself, can become more competitive like your desire for the game of valor.

Moving on to the "being forced into fighting for survival situations"+"revenue" Im not criticizing the "kill or be killed" environment, but the method in which you created it. The veterans know that you cannot win a world alone, forms a group, joins a world together, secures a region and expands from it... this was achieved previously with the jump time... which stated above, obviously didn't work.

It's great you are expanding as a company, not buying italian cars and continuing to invest in the game.
The players have noticed the reduced number error msgs or the frequency of server outages.
However, this puzzling problem in world 100 has been the cause of my discontent which has led to me questioning of the direction Playmesh is taking as a company.

Look forward to your reply.
Tskk. w100

Looks like we're on the same page and your primary concern is regarding the spawning algorithm. A lot depends on particular timing of things and where the algorithm is at in the population sequence. Sometimes you will be at the end of a "row" for spawning and will pop up on the next region. That's an additional explanation for how that works aside from the rate of world join. In any case, I assure you we made no alterations to the spawning algorithm for W100.

We recognize the value of guilds being in close proximity and it's our absolute preference that players do enjoy some predictability in how close they will spawn. That said, we need to follow some rules and populate by some means, and this is the best compromise we have arrived at. You're welcome to disagree, and player feedback is something I very much care about. If this is a common enough request from the community, I am certainly willing to revisit the algorithm. However, it's currently a much lower priority versus launching Trial By Sword and fixing material bugs/exploits.


Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:26 am
by baumer
epic convo.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:34 am
by KMT
PwnLaw wrote: I am certainly willing to revisit the algorithm. However, it's currently a much lower priority versus launching Trial By Sword and fixing material bugs/exploits.


i hope priority is fixing bugs and then launching Trial By Sword

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:13 pm
by tskk
PwnLaw wrote:Looks like we're on the same page and your primary concern is regarding the spawning algorithm. A lot depends on particular timing of things and where the algorithm is at in the population sequence. Sometimes you will be at the end of a "row" for spawning and will pop up on the next region. That's an additional explanation for how that works aside from the rate of world join. In any case, I assure you we made no alterations to the spawning algorithm for W100.

We recognize the value of guilds being in close proximity and it's our absolute preference that players do enjoy some predictability in how close they will spawn. That said, we need to follow some rules and populate by some means, and this is the best compromise we have arrived at. You're welcome to disagree, and player feedback is something I very much care about. If this is a common enough request from the community, I am certainly willing to revisit the algorithm. However, it's currently a much lower priority versus launching Trial By Sword and fixing material bugs/exploits.


Okays, it seems then, i will have to wait until the algorithm is revisited until i can make further comments.
I ended up making this post because the topic of the spawning in issue came up numerous times in our chat rooms while we waited for our troops to build up and such.

As for the update: Trial By Sword, I am unable to find any information on it. I would assume it was run on the beta server but for those who are not part of the beta, can you give us some info on what the update entails?

Also it has been awhile since the last competition, when will the next competition be held? Systematic competitions would be very welcomed in my opinion. One every 2-3 months or something.

P.S. thoughts on changing the name of the thread? Something along the lines of "Discussion With The Game Mod"

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:16 pm
by LordFirefall
Did your guild select a specific region, or just go with the default? I've done the former on many worlds and it worked well. However, going with the default yields totally random results. The other thing to remember, especially if you joined when it first opened, is there were a lot more joining than when you tested it.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:07 pm
by ws1oospa