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Pay to play world

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:41 pm
by ThatValorPlayer
With all the activity on the forums and through kakao regarding gold spending, I thought maybe this might be a good time to bring up P2P worlds.

The way I see it, the players want equality, balance, competitiveness.
While gold is not at the point where it ruins the game entirely - it does change the balance in a big way.

I'm not going to dispute that players should be able to get a boost if they are willing to pay for it. And clearly Quark need to cover their costs and make a profit.
With all that said, it really leaves nothing for people that want to play purely to see who is the best.

This gold "issue" is becoming like chaos, where players are forced to spend more and more just to feel like they can keep up. While this is in the interest of Quark financially, I believe it will be short lived. Players are completely quitting the game in refusal. These players have been here 2+ years and have usually been happy to spend a continuous (smaller) amount, on a weekly basis.

Anyway, rather than continue ranting..
What I'd like to suggest is that quark releases a P2P world every few months.
Entry is only granted to those that pay for 1 week in advance.
Players pay per week.
They have X days of free play and after those days run out, they are barbed.

NO gold features are available. (All or nothing!)

Does anyone have input? Would you play? Would it work?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:59 pm
by LordFirefall
In my opinion, players would have to get something in exchange. For instance, permanent queue extender for that world. The ability to still buy Instant Spy could also be a possibility. I'd play a world like that.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:51 pm
by Dieformason
I think this should go in suggestions

However I think it's a good idea and it would get alot of players for sure.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:29 am
by MyName999
The details could be talked later, but the idea of a payable world is something lots talked about since a long time ago...

We'll talk about it for long, as long as Quark say nothing about the idea we have on the too-much-gold-lead-to-too-much-advantages-in-TBS problem...

Because it seems that Quark is the only saying NOTHING about this...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:55 am
by DirtySouthATL
lol at this

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:59 pm
by TheRockstar
This (or something similar) has come up in every guild and crown chat that i have been in since the opening of the new platform worlds. There are a ton of people that are willing to join them. The common theme seems to be people would be willing to spend up to 500 gold to enter a world that there is no gold boosting allowed in.

I have been in guilds that by day 3, people have academies. It's rediculous. Especially with the new platform, quark has found a way to make money and cut down on server issues, being that the old worlds took up so much server space. However what they have created is a platform where you have to spend to keep up.

Now I will admit, yes I do spend, but not rediculously like some others. But I know a ton of people who dont spend zat all and build as fast as they can, and get barb #2 while the spenders are on #15 or 20. Like I said... academy on day 3??? how am I supposed to compete with that? By the time i get my academy, they already have 3 mains and 10 nerds waiting to cap me.

Open a world and charge an admission in gold... say 400 (about $20). No gold spending allowed... and lets see who can really play this game and who's just as good as their wallet.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:53 pm
by ThatValorPlayer
Thanks for all the input.

Queue extender could be something to look at, maybe even consider permanent resource boosters to make up for the lack of early resource (where the most gold is spent)

DS, I would like to have hope you of all people would post something worth reading in here. You have admitted to being one that has spent more because you felt it was necessary. You also have been involved in a lot of the competitive banter of late.
Surely you have more to contribute on this?

I know this has been brought up plenty of times. I personally feel as though quark may see it as something only a small portion of the player base would take part in - therefore it doesn't get anywhere. Hope in the current downtime + the guild world controversy might just get more people expressing in here.


Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:11 pm
by Aethlstan
If you remove gold boosts from the equation it only allows those with lots of phone time to dominate everyome else. The problem with TBS is that you have to be glued to your phone in order to be competitive. Taking gold out removes the only crutch allowed to players who cant use their phone at work. My last job didnt allow phones at all so i would be AFK for 10 hrs of each waking day.

We need to return to Legacy, where you could remain competitive even if you only had 6 hrs of every day available for valor. I used to only have that much time...cant imagine I'd be successful on TBS with that little time available to me. I was capped early on in the only TBS world I played, and then i got my android...

Legacy was a balanced system. Gold compensated for those who worked busy schedules. High player caps nerfed big gold spenders by allowing players to gang up on the big guy.

TBS sounds like a nightmare and I dont know of any of my old IOS friends - some of whom who played this game from almost day one- who still play valor. TBS ruined an awesome game.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:34 am
by MyName999
I think Legacy isn't on iOS as didn't found it on iTunes... Am I right?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:35 am
by DirtySouthATL
ThatValorPlayer wrote:Thanks for all the input.

Queue extender could be something to look at, maybe even consider permanent resource boosters to make up for the lack of early resource (where the most gold is spent)

DS, I would like to have hope you of all people would post something worth reading in here. You have admitted to being one that has spent more because you felt it was necessary. You also have been involved in a lot of the competitive banter of late.
Surely you have more to contribute on this?

I know this has been brought up plenty of times. I personally feel as though quark may see it as something only a small portion of the player base would take part in - therefore it doesn't get anywhere. Hope in the current downtime + the guild world controversy might just get more people expressing in here.


Fark when i dropped the gold in 100 it was because I saw Que. I also dropped it to keep up with my guild mate Damiyan. I didn't want to be food for someone as I wasn't there with my typical guild. I agree that spending gets out of hand at times, but I mean if your guild works together it's not that big of an issue.
YOU know just as well as I do money has ALWAYS been spent in this game. You played with fides, you know how much he drops. Why does this matter so much all of a sudden?
A pay to play world would be interesting. I'd probably bomb because I always go for buildings vs resources first, but at least I would have fun being taken out.