Building wall .. while you get attacked and wall gets wiped out.

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Building wall .. while you get attacked and wall gets wiped out.

Postby samm » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:12 pm

So I'm building a Level 18 wall.

I get attacked, and it goes back down to Zero.

meanwhile, the wall is still being built.

When it's done building, what level wall will I have?

Am i better off cancelling the wall to rebuild from scratch? Or will I get effective "credits for partial walls".. meaning I'll get something like a level 5-10 wall.. or something equivalent of time and or dollars?


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Postby samm » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:51 pm

Well.. unfortunately.. I'll give my own answer... I was hoping there might be a bug in the game, where the wall would be instantly rebuilt to a Level 18. Yeah right to wish ful thinking.

The true end result is you waste a lot of time, and your resources.. to essentially get a Level 1 wall, which you could have gotten in 3 minutes with a ton less minerals. Cancel your wall if it gets knocked down in the middle of building. Otherwise, you're wasting a ton of time and minerals.

Simple solution : Suggestion to Valor game makers, find out the shorter of both cummulative timing and costs, and give the person that level of wall when it's complete.

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Postby antiattack » Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:14 am

Does Barbarian city use resources to level up buildings?

Posts: 209
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:20 am

Postby DeathViruzX » Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:28 am

Yes. Over time, barbs to grow automatically by themselves. What they do upgrade however, is an utter mystery to me. However they don't seems to go very far past to 10K point mark though. I've seen many barb cities in W48 but not many are 11K+.

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