Support Troop Level

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Postby larlis » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:18 am

Well Im for one is glad to hear you're looking into changing this. The current system makes absolutely no sense.
Any troop should obviously be the same level when sent out from the city as it was educated in.

Also Ive asked in another thread on how the different levels of research work when changed; if training berserks at level 2 then send out an attack and during the walk upgrade their level to 3. What will they attack as? Level 2 or level 3?

Seems we would benefit from having some place where this info could be found... Perhaps there is but I haven't found it while looking for it...

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Postby Fire820 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:03 am

I agree larlis. It should be changed to the supporting city's stats.

And there are scenarios like the one larlis just described that need answering. And plenty others.

My point is this, when troops are sent out, it should be dependent on what the city stats were at the time of sending. Not on the other city's stats. Not being able to upgrade in the middle of a walk. Maybe that's feasible, maybe not.

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Postby Brad87 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:19 pm

Lol thanks for the credit but I do agree...everyone talks about this game being realistic but as it is now its like a trained navy seal being sent to defend a middle school only to fight like a 11 year old. By all means the worst example but u catch my point.

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