Losing scholars

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Losing scholars

Postby warfare » Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:11 pm

Every time i conquer a city i lose a scholar. I look in the casulties section and find that none of my scholars have died. I was wondering if this is apart of the game or what. This is a very frustrating part because i have spent several resorces buying them. Also when I go into the acadamy and look at the scholar statistics it says i have a max scholar limit of 3, 1 existing scholar, 0 scholars in education but i cant educate any scholars. And where the educate button is it also says i need more scholarships. Can anybody help me?

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Postby TheGhost » Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:13 pm

The conquering scholar stays in the conquered city. More scholarships are required per scholar for every extra scholar you wish to educate. Farm barbs and players buy more scholarships.

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Postby warfare » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:49 am

that was what i Initially thought but i check my other cities and it says that it dosnt have any of my scholars. when i attack a ctiy and my scholar dies i am able to buy another one. It is only when i conquer a city that they disapear

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Postby TheGhost » Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:15 am

That is the price of conquering a city.

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Postby SurlyFurious » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:23 pm

When you attack a city and your scholar dies (do not cap city) are you are able to buy another without buying more scholarships? I recently lost a scholar & didn't cap city and I couldn't just buy another... I had to buy more scholarships. Is this the case for all or in my case is that a bug?

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Postby MyName999 » Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:53 am

warfare wrote:Every time i conquer a city i lose a scholar. I look in the casulties section and find that none of my scholars have died. I was wondering if this is apart of the game or what. This is a very frustrating part because i have spent several resorces buying them. Also when I go into the acadamy and look at the scholar statistics it says i have a max scholar limit of 3, 1 existing scholar, 0 scholars in education but i cant educate any scholars. And where the educate button is it also says i need more scholarships. Can anybody help me?

Each time you conquer a city, it consume the last sent scholar...

On the contrary, each time one of your city is conquered, you can directly educate a new scholar as the one linked to your ex-city isn't more necessited.

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Postby warfare » Mon Dec 03, 2012 1:36 pm

I think what he SurlyFurious is trying to say is that he had a scholar die do to combat and was wondering if he could just educate another without buying a scholar. If this is the case then no you shouldnt have to buy another scholarship you can educate one.

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