Forge and demolish

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Forge and demolish

Postby Rokki » Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:34 am


I'm interesting in demolish the forge but I don't know if I will lose the research points. That is, if I demolish the forge to 5 or 0 I will lose the research points? Or it will remain?

Thank u,


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Postby Killerxx777 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:15 am

You lose the points.otherwise we would all demolish useless things when we were done with them and cap our pop with soldiers.(some people do that nevertheless)

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Postby Rokki » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:05 pm

But, if this is true, there is no reason to research some points with forge at level 5... For example, you can have forge level 15 and allocate all the research points to, for example, 3 to lancer, 3 to sentry and 3 to guardians. If we do that, and then you construct the forge to level 20 to construct the academy, why not to demolish to level 15 again? Will be the research points valid again? (In the forge appears as allocated in the same way but I'm interesting if they are valid).

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Postby Kagami » Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:24 am

in the process of building academy atm
will start demolishing the forge afterward will let you guys know
also will try if demolishing below research level will still allow unit production

if someone else has already done it please let us know, will save me hips of time

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Mr. O
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Postby Mr. O » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:27 am

Heres the deal:

If you demolish your forge back down the levels you will keep your research points up to level 10 i believe.

The main reason not to, is if someone comes in and attacks your academy, you have to rebuild the forge to be be able to rebuild the academy. In a war this is a very bad idea, but you have to balance that against the need for additional troops.

The question is, is the additional few hundred points of food space worth risking 5-7 days of rebuild times on your academy. If so, go for it.
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