Old Worlds come back?

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Postby BikerMike » Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:32 am

I would like to remind everyone that complains about gold spending of the fact that this is a free game. If people couldnt spend gold to enhance the experiance how would the thousands of free players help pay to keep this game going. Dont get me wrong I dont spend much gold but sometimes I use the resource boost or the que extender to grow faster. Also to say that gold spenders never die is false since restarts are limited. I personally like to push a player into truce whenever possible for a few reasons. 1. They are now out of the fight till they drop early or the 24 hours passes. 2. I know that when the truce ends I can punish them fully for 24 hours and they cant truce again. I also like the new barbs because you can have several cities long before you have an academy and thats a big boost to the troops available to take a lord city when I have my academy. I have several other reasons I preffer the new worlds but I will stop there to prevent writting a bigger book. Have fun Valorians and remember this is a game above all so be respectfull even when killing the red players.

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Postby Magicmike » Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:55 am

Nice too See Others Want Old worlds back.
I guess new Players After the barb worlds Started would Not like them
I know Some Old Players who like the new .

But i have just about Finished a new World our Guild Won And we are Mopping up now
About a week to go And then i Delete Valor because i simply do Not like the new Format
The Old worlds were Purist in comparison
If the Old Format came back alongside the new then all Could Choose what they like best.

Old Worlds Could Even be Played in less regions too make them quicker
Playmesh i thank you for giving me a couple of years of Fun i made Great Friends with Lots of People
Who i stay in Touch with in Chat Roms And will Continue to do so After i Delete Valor in a week or so
But if Old World Format returns One Day me And many Others i know will Play again but Not Till then
I Hope the Peep who like the new worlds Continue to have Fun

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Postby MyName999 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:06 am

BikerMike wrote:I would like to remind everyone that complains about gold spending of the fact that this is a free game. If people couldnt spend gold to enhance the experiance how would the thousands of free players help pay to keep this game going. Dont get me wrong I dont spend much gold but sometimes I use the resource boost or the que extender to grow faster. Also to say that gold spenders never die is false since restarts are limited. I personally like to push a player into truce whenever possible for a few reasons. 1. They are now out of the fight till they drop early or the 24 hours passes. 2. I know that when the truce ends I can punish them fully for 24 hours and they cant truce again. I also like the new barbs because you can have several cities long before you have an academy and thats a big boost to the troops available to take a lord city when I have my academy. I have several other reasons I preffer the new worlds but I will stop there to prevent writting a bigger book. Have fun Valorians and remember this is a game above all so be respectfull even when killing the red players.

About the way TBS is, I agree you. It's quicker, more agressive and so most interesting.

About the gold, go to this discussion:


To me, things have to be ruled, the advantages given by gold now can REALLY influe, much more than it was possible in classical worlds.

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Postby Karl302 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:23 am

I'd like the option of the old worlds I still play W36 because I don't like the new worlds

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Postby ShelbyGT » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:31 am

yeah an old world once in a while wouldnt hurt

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:08 pm

Yes, I have seen this asked for many times and I completely agree. Nearly all the original valor players would like to see this happen, and I think most of the new players would enjoy the old worlds.

This subject has been posted multiple times but is always left alone. Almost everyone who posted said they would like to see the worlds added, but eventually since no moderatiors said anything, the idea was forgotten about. I realize that you all at quark don't see the value of old worlds, but the multiple attempts at getting them back and thousands quitting because you took them out, should show you that we see, the verteran players, who spent years playing this game do see the value.

Once again I have said numerous times we aren't asking you to throw out Trial By Sword, but to improve it for everyone. One old world a week would make old players come back. New players won't object to an old world game type seperate from standard worlds. If they don't like it, they don't have to play it. But many will, and the ones that do will get to experience what made valor what it is today.

Everyone else reading these posts, please comment on them. We want everyone's opinion, for or against the old worlds. Post the reasons your position, not just what side you are on. Everyone has ideas, especially on this matter, and we need everyone's input to make a difference on this subject.


Postby Orlor » Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:51 pm

Your feedback is noticed and appreciated.

Don't take the lack of comment from me that it isn't something we are thinking about doing.

If there isn't a response it just means I don't have any new information to share on this subject that hasn't already been given out.

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Postby Hiitsmeeeeeee » Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:20 pm

I do understand. I know all of you work hard to keep valor running well and read the threads daily. I, as well as the rest of valor, appriciate your work. I am just letting you all at Quark know how many of the old players are feeling. That was what I have heard many say in Kakao and through messages, and I feel we should let you all know.

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Postby Shamrockshak » Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:48 pm

I would live for those 60k servers to come back!

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Postby ShelbyGT » Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:44 am

i would wanna try 60k worlds ...that might be fun.......without the TBS mechanism

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