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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:23 pm
by TheGhost
I'm more offended by the gnome thing they use to tell us about server maintainance

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:03 pm
by Stark Bledfast
As am I, TG, as am I. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:31 pm
by =TheRatDogHater=
Yes, this was directed at The character, i'm well aware that "boys will be boys" so general mild sexism is expected. I personally can give as well as recive.

As well, im quite confident in the female-player base being dirty and or non existant.

Its merely a rant. :P

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:24 am
by TheGhost
Pre or post coffee? It makes a big difference

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:00 pm
by =TheRatDogHater=
Haha, pre-game experience.

"noob" rant. :P just THAT cool. ;P

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:31 pm
by DaddyBat
If you're experienced with gaming and anime... then I'm sure you become desensitized to that...

most of my female friends into these things even draw half naked girls and guys... its part of fantasy and for some I think it helps to feel sexy... doesn't bother me I like looking at chicks... real or fake LOL

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:54 pm
by =TheRatDogHater=
I don't believe this really has much to do with anime... :P though yes it is considered gaming, it's more along the lines of a battle/war simulation. Like black ops or halo. And correct me if I'm wrong, but i dont believe those involve half naked girls.

So i don't believe being desencitized to that is a fair expectation.

If the game invovled a half naked male character practically EVERYWHERE, I don't believe male player-base would be very pleased with that either. :P


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:17 pm
by AKhotline
Enough with this topic. Playmesh made this game like this to attract male players. And changing the character (Aurora) will take a lot of time to do. Playmesh is even searching for people to hire to handle the art work and can't afford to change it. If the character is removed a lot of players will quit. ( Many started to play because of aurora and removing her would remove players, and playmesh doesn't want this.)
You just have to live with it, even if your a girl. Their are players who also disagree with this half naked girl but we care about the game more not the picture.

And the answer to your question. You are not missing out on anything. There is only this version of the game. ( Valor or Valor HD ) no other version of the game.
If it makes you feel any better but there is a guy pic in this game. When you start valor up, Valor and a guy with a sword occurs.
( This is when the game connects to the server )
Sorry for your disappointment for a girl version but you have to suggest it the the admins, located at the ideas/suggestions.
The designers are also covering aurora more and players are complaining if you want to know.
Good Luck!!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:12 am
by larlis
Seriously? U think people will quit if they take away a semi nude pic of a cartoon?
Most of the people I know in the game are well over their 30s, often older. I would be very troubled if they played Valor because of her.

Im not offended by that cliché Aurora represents nor do I pay it any interest. Its a bit boring though that a company uses such images to lure customers. But as been pointed out many players are teenage boys (but Im sure if they did a survey they would find its mostly grownups playing) and as such perhaps she has sale value... What do I know Ive never been a teenage boy LOL.
What's interesting though is how devoted people seem to be to the image...

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:10 pm
by =TheRatDogHater=
I wasnt infering a request to change the characters gender, i stated along the lines of that in my last post.

And to Larlis. I agree, some are aliiiitle too attached. :P