PlayMesh Game Design Open Thread

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Postby PwnLaw » Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:56 pm

awsomator wrote:okay and a week I think is a bit long and 5 days I think would be trying to hold onto gold and a diamond chance in world 30 so I'd like it to be over sooner.

We've thought about experimenting with a shorter period for the competitions. 5 days probably works well, though we do see some benefit to a whole week (some folks can only play on certain days, and it's good to at least give them a chance for the bronze). Not surprised you want it to end if you've got a gold. :D

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Postby awsomator » Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:26 pm

Well actually now I've pritty much ran out of resources to fund more scholarships for my scholars so im losing ranks fast.

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Postby andal2206 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:44 pm

Hi mate
What would be cool is better functionality around page management, even a button to scroll to last would help lots.
Also something around attacks either a tab or button that can bring together all cities being attacked, or cities attacking would be awesome.
I hate scrolling through 50 pages to find a city being attacked, not to mention the fact that prior to the pull-down the refresh / display didn't show until you went into the city.
Also Auroa's blessing if that could be fixed, would be benificial, if you use it you send more times pressing the ok button on the gr.104 error than actually going through cities.

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Postby KingNugz » Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:26 pm

I would LOVE a way to merge your attacks so that you have multiple attacks combined to 1 so they arrive at same time and do maximum damage, and a way to move troops around city to city so you could send troops from one city to another and use them there.

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Postby Fire820 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:57 pm

KingNugz wrote:I would LOVE a way to merge your attacks so that you have multiple attacks combined to 1 so they arrive at same time and do maximum damage, and a way to move troops around city to city so you could send troops from one city to another and use them there.

This has been discussed before. Look in the ideas/suggestions forum for everything. But the main issue with these two ideas is that it would cause an imbalance. Take these two scenarios. Cities A, B, C, D, and your city.

A has 20k zerks three hours out.
B has 5k guardians two hours out.
C has 7k knights an hour out.
D has five scholar waves with adequate escorts three hours and ten minutes out.
Your city withstand the attacks because of incoming support right before the zerks land killing them all and the scholars.
Now, if A, B, and C were combined, you'd stand no chance because 20k zerks, 5k guardians, and 7k knights will clear any city except the ones with an insane amount of troops. You'd be capped by the scholars with no time to send more support. Imbalance.

For your second suggestion. Same cities with same troops.

D is the stage city because it is right next to yours. The enemy has stationed 20k zerks, 5k guardians, and 7k knights plus the scholars and escorts already there. Launch the attacks and since you had no idea, you'd be capped within 30 minutes because you'd be cleared with no time to bring in support. Again, imbalance.

Thanks for reading! The full discussions are in the ideas/suggestions forum. Sorry if this is not up to par PwnLaw

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Postby andal2206 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:38 pm

I agree with Fire820, merging troops takes a lot of the fun / effort out of timing and strategizing against players.
When I say merging attacking cities I should have been clearer, by saying I mean by display only, as an example a tab that allows you to put on one page all cities you have launched attacks from with the arrival time.
When launching 100 attacks from your cities it gets hard scrolling through all pages to see where they are all at.

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Postby KingNugz » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:07 am

Then how about a timer, like a way to set your troops to arrive at this exact moment, like say your busy or sleeping but you need an attack to land you can set a timer on it to launch so it will land when it needs to

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Postby KingNugz » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:14 am

It would also be nice if you could leave cities


Postby PwnLaw » Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:32 pm

andal2206 wrote:Hi mate
What would be cool is better functionality around page management, even a button to scroll to last would help lots.
Also something around attacks either a tab or button that can bring together all cities being attacked, or cities attacking would be awesome.
I hate scrolling through 50 pages to find a city being attacked, not to mention the fact that prior to the pull-down the refresh / display didn't show until you went into the city.
Also Auroa's blessing if that could be fixed, would be benificial, if you use it you send more times pressing the ok button on the gr.104 error than actually going through cities.

I'm going to forward this along to our UI/UX department. We're currently looking at City Management right now and we have some ideas on how to make that a bit better. First pass at it looks decent but we think there's more to be done across the board for issues like this.

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:16 pm

KingNugz wrote:Then how about a timer, like a way to set your troops to arrive at this exact moment, like say your busy or sleeping but you need an attack to land you can set a timer on it to launch so it will land when it needs to

Suggested before again. The full thread is in the ideas/suggestion forum. The problem is abusing it to help with chaos. Here were the two main corrections made.

1. Only on non-chaos worlds.
2. Make it to where you can only double the normal amount of time. So, if an attack took two hours normally, you could time it to land anywhere between two hours and four hours from launch time. (this is the one I prefer)

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