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Scholar use

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:42 pm
by KingTuan
How do u use scholar. Is it a 1 time use or can u use the same scholar repeatedly. It says it only takes down moral 39% or so. Do I need to make 4 scholars?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:23 am
by Emet
I was wondering the same thing ^^

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:41 am
by Stark Bledfast
If a scholar doesn't not conquer a city (reduce it's loyalty to 0%) then it will return to your kingdom and be available for use again once it has returned. If you send multiple scholars in a single wave then only 1 scholar attacks, the others are just along for the ride and will sit in the back of the army debating the airspeed velocity of unladen swallows. If you send multiple scholars in *different* attack waves, then each one will reduce the loyalty of the city as it's wave strikes. If you capture a city and still have armies with scholars on route, then they will attack your newly conquered city and either further lower that city's loyalty or perhaps even re-conquering it for yourself (and thereby losing that scholar too).

You only lose a scholar if you conquer the city (or if it gets killed). If you conquer a city then that scholar is absorbed into the city and it is gone. That city now counts against your scholar limit. If a scholar is killed, or 2 or more scholars conquer the same city, then you may re-educate new scholars up to your limit.

Sending 5 scholars makes for an automatic victory (assuming your armies break through). Each scholar lowers loyalty from 20%-30% (assuming you have not purchased any buffs). So on average 4 scholars will take a city, but sometimes you get a below average roll. 5 is 'safe' with the risk of losing a scholar if both of them take the city. This is a strategical decision that only you can make.