War report list

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War report list

Postby Sandbird » Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:04 pm

Some clever mod either moved or deleted my last thread (thank you very much) so i'll post it again. My war report list is messed up. There are empty rows and a non existing paging. Its up to 4 pages now when there is no content. When i get a report now it shows 2 times, and when i delete one of them both disapear. It must be a bug with my sql table. Can someone empty my tables plz.
By they way i posted this also to the ticket support page, but as always noone replyied to me.

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Mr. O
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Postby Mr. O » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:09 pm

Hold on a second there. Your thread hasnt been moved, you posted it under the wrong forum. You posted it in General and its still in General and then posted a new thread under Quesions.
Your first thread is where you left it at this address:

The ticket support page is the best possible place to make this type of posting as the people reviewing these tickets will be able to fix the problem that you are having. They take longer to reply to you than these forums do, but they will actually be able to address your problem for you.

The reports page just got a major update in the last 3 days or so, and this upgrade may have been the source of the problem for you. The sql tables should have been edited in a major way but they may be polling incorrectly for you.
Like i said above, with the support ticket you have open, this is the best way to address this problem.

Failing this, you could try the force restart and or the reinstall options if you would rather try and address the problem yourself.

As long as you restart or reinstall the game client on the same iOS device you will still have access to your account once you restart the Valor application.
If you go for the delete and reinstall, dont forget to restart the iOS device too as this will completely remove all the data from your device.
If you go for the restart option, give the device a few minutes to allow your connection to the server to reset.

Let me know if either of these options help you at all. Or, if they dont, let me know too.
For support in game, please go to:
Portal > ? (Question Mark - Upper right of the screen) > Support > Mail Icon
For support outside of the game, please go to:

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Postby Sandbird » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:38 pm

Hi and thanks for the long answer. Unfortunately nothing worked. I deleted the game, rebooted, re-instaaled it, rebooted again and the bug is still there. I wouldnt mind its just that sometimes i am missing reports. I send a scout and when the report is going to come i open the report list and nothing is there besides the 1 out of 3 pages at the bottom. I am a php developer so i understand where the problem is. Its not in my device. Its in the sql database of the server. And while tou praise the support ticket team, i have to tell you that this was my 4th ticket 1 week now and they havent even replied to the last 3. So i dont think this will ever get resolved. I just have to accept the fact that i play blindly or just quit.


Postby Orlor » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:32 pm


I personally saw that the support tickets were all answered at end of the work day yesterday.

You said you sent four different ones in and didn't receive any sort of response for any of them?

Did you make sure the game portion of the support ticket says Valor on it? If you could please give me the support ticket numbers.

If there is some black hole for support ticket I want to make sure I close that up quick.

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Postby Sandbird » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:52 pm

Hi there. The tickets are:

From all these the map no reloading bug has been resolved by reinstalling the game. But the other ones have not. I am still crashing when i attack a specific city and try to read the report as well as todays bug with the invisible rows in my report list. This usually happens if the messages are coming with an sql querry that combines 2 tables. One got wiped but the 2nd still has the records. And this will continue to expand my report list since my pages are growing an the old records are still there. I am up to paging 5 now lol.



Postby Orlor » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:54 pm

Hey Sandbird

I do want to apologize for you not getting any contact back at all for these support tickets.

I am going to personally make sure they are handled first thing by them.

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Postby Sandbird » Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:12 pm

Ok thanks man.
This report bug is killing. I got no idea how my fights are going. I see the exclamation mark but nothing inside now. And up to 8 pages

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Postby Hamagram » Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:30 pm

I've got exactly the same problem with my reports..I've tried rebooting etc, but to no avail..has a solution been found?

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Postby Purduepilot » Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:01 pm

This happened to me as well, it happened after I acquired my second city in world 37. I don't know if maybe the system got confused once I took my second city or not. But now I have 8 blank pages without my deleting any of my reports.

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Postby Hamagram » Sun Jan 22, 2012 6:29 pm

It appears to be a growing problem. One of our guildies left cos of it.. I'm still in my first city W42, I've been farming a lot...seems to have happened following the update. I'm not getting any reports at all now, though I expect them to turn up in mass duplicate in 12 hours time.!.ive sent in a ticket, i can only see the scale of the issue getting a lot worse as players continue to farm.

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