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What happens if the city I attack decides to abort the world?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:50 am
by Deigo 73
I was attacking a low city (13k), and after my second attack he sent me a message. Said thanks a lot and he might as well delete the app (what does he think the objective of a war game is?)

Anywho...I went to send another attack and the city is gone. It is now a beginning city with protection. If I go back through the logs it shows his city name and the coords. When I pick "Center on map" it puts me to the new city. I can, however, still attack his city. I sent a single knight (48min travel time) to see what happens. My only guess is that he raged and aborted. Does anyone know anything about this kind of scenario?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:49 am
by Deigo 73
Ok so my attack came back and my one knight was killed. I checked the city on the "Center on map" option again, and it is now a small circular city with 1.5k points. Granted it's a new city, but there is no way that the beginner's protection has already ran its course on such a new city. Is the old city still there and just not being shown? Any ideas?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:02 pm
by Orlor
That does sound extremely strange.

Best bet for finding out exactly what is going on would be to contact our support team. You can find the information to do so in my signature.