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Posts: 88
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:39 am


Postby Rekasand » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:18 pm

I sent 500 lvl3 scouts at a player and they all died when I did an instant report he only had 857 lancers in the city?!
And he scouted my city with 347 lvl2 scouts and my 30k guards didn't kill a single one!

Can someone please inform me about what has happened here?

Posts: 66
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:02 pm

Postby FxEffekt » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:32 pm

Scouts can only attack scouts, so your 30k guard (?!?) cant kill one single scout. Strange all your scouts was killed the first time though, if he had less scouts than you.

Posts: 88
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:39 am

Postby Rekasand » Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:37 pm

He didn't have a single scour in the city but his 347 scouts that hit my city were from the city I scouted. I was a bit upset to see that all 500 died and only 800 lancers were there

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