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Demolish Forge

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:36 pm
by Purduepilot
I believe a level 15 forge is all that's needed for all the units, correct me if I'm wrong before the following part pertains. But after I've created an academy, can I demolish my forge back to level 15 without any repercussions, mostly not losing any allocated research points? I just want the extra population if it's no longer necessary to have a level 20 forge and I can still keep all the research

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:07 am
by person47
You need a
level 20 forge to build an academy.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:49 am
by Valorgamer
By all means build your academy and then reduce the forge back down  that way i can send my ballistas in and destroy your academy, you will have to waste time and resources rebuilding your forge before rebuilding your academy