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Questions about battle I have

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:55 am
by RPGgamer
Hi. I just got this game a few days ago and I have a few questions I would like to ask. I have not engaged in a single battle yet, since I am still just trying to build up the basic buildings that are needed.
For battle, is it real time actual combat or is it just sending out troops, then waiting an hour or 2 for the report on survivors? (as like in the simulator, exactly.)
Also, is it better to have just lancers or sentries, or a combination of both for defense?
For the berserker, it seems weak and easily defeated due to the low defense, so wouldn't it be better to use lancers?
For the battle itself, do you have to do things in a certain order? you HAVE TO destroy the wall or the game won't let you go any further?...can you "skip" the wall and attack the city?
Can the ballista actually destroy a building completely so the opposing city had to rebuild that building restarting at level 1? Can the ballista attack soldiers in the field?

Would it be a good strategy to maintain a small regiment of "expendable" troops, like maybe the scout and berserkers to wear down their forces before coming in to attack with your main army?
What would be a good order of which buildings to destroy?..
I was thinking of doing the following, but I would like suggestions for this also:
Wood, iron, and clay buildings
Maybe farm and warehouse last?

I really like this game so far. :)

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:29 pm
by Bl1ndFury
Not trying to be vague or mean, because I'm glad you really like the game, but you really need to do some reading. All these questions have been answered before. It would take me several hours to reply properly to this post. If anything read up on the basics, and the rest you can figure out as you go. Please do some investigation on basic game play, and if you have strategy questions after that i'm sure most people would be happy to answer questions. Good luck and happy gaming.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 4:29 am
by DeathViruzX
First of all, combat is NOT real time fighting. Yes, it is just send troops, wait for troops to hit. The battle depends on several things. For the attacker, it's the total attack points of the army. Morale is included as well as luck. Morale just shows you the strength your army attacks with. 100% means your army will attack at full force, or basically the total attack points. 50% is half of the total attack points. Luck is a random number between negative 25 to positive 25. This just gives a boost or penalty to the total attack points. Fr the defender, the defence points are totalled up and pit against the attack points. The higher number wins of course.

For defence, it is best to use a combo of lancers and sentries. Lancers will defend well against Calvary and sentries infantry.

Berserkers are mainly used for attack purposes. If you are under attack, it is best to just send them on a attack to save them while defensive troops hold their ground in the city.

Their is no order in combat. Yes, you can skip the wall and go straight to attacking the troops.mhoever, the wall itself has defence points and can kill troops themselves. They also provide a boost for the defending city.

Yes. The ballista is capable of ripping a building all the way to level zero except for the city hall which will go down to level 1. When destroying the correct building, it can really help you conquer and defeat the enemy.

Fr the buildings, it depends. But best always build resource producers first before all else. Assuming your guild will protect your ass, no need for a wall or troops. Keep watch on your warehouse timer, this counts down to when e first resource will overflow. Make sure the timer is more than the time when you next play with you go to sleep to prevent wastage of resources. Also build your city hall once in a while to make sure building isn't too slow.