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Scholar/scholarship in multiple cities

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:49 pm
by zionvlad
My question is about having multiple city that has academies.

Let's say City A, has already educated 2 scholars. City B just had an academy and is about to educate a scholar. How many scholarship does City B needs to have a scholar? Btw, both cities are own by 1 player. Does City B needs to buy 3 scholarships to be able to educate City B's first scholar? Or just the same as if you are going to buy a scholarship for the first time.

Thank you.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:57 pm
by Galdat
Scholarships are shared between cities; Scholars are not. You can freely create scholarships anywhere you want (as long as the city has an Academy), and use them in any city that has an Academy. Where you create the Scholar, though, is where he attacks from. So you don't have to think about where scholarships are created, but you do have to think about where you create your scholars. To expand with an example: If I had City A, B, and C, and I created 1 scholarship in each city, I would have 3 scholarships in any city to create a scholar. If I created the scholar in City A and the scholar costs 3 scholarships, all the scholarships that were produced in A, B, and C would be used up. In addition, I can only use that scholar I produced when attacking from A.