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Ram Damage Taken First?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:58 am
by Brikel
I did a search on Rams and did not see this answered specifically. I apologize if I missed it. When a wave of troops attacks and have rams with them, do the walls get take down first and then the calculations for the rest of the attackers get made without the walls?

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:01 pm
by Brikel
One thread mentioned the ram calculation but also said you have to send supporting troops to defend the rams. That insinuates the troops attack first and you have to have enough so the rams can survive to hit. If that is the case the first wave would be troops protecting rams, rams hit if they survive and then a follow-up wave with your attacking troops has to be sent instead of all at once.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:12 am
by Brikel
For those who come across this. The help had the answer. Rams do take down the wall first and then the troops attack which means the defending troops would have no additional defense bonus if the wall were gone.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:58 am
by Brendone
I believe that it is more complicated then all this.

Scenario One:
1000 rams, no army, attacks a massive defense with high walls.
Result, no damage to walls, all attackers die.

Scenario Two:
1000 rams, 10000 beserkers attack a massive defense with high walls.
Result, walls are damaged (maybe a few levels) but defense isn't cleared out and all attackers die.

Scenario Three:
1000 Rams, 10000 beserkers attack a high wall with no army.
Result, walls are destroyed (to level 0), but you still lose not only some rams, but some beserkers.

Rams do nothing alone, do more the bigger the army with them, but do help you army beat the wall first somehow.