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Old Style Worlds

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:52 pm
by Dexter34
Is playmesh going to also provide the old style worlds?
If not, are they giving money back to those who purchased gold to be able to play in those worlds and not the worlds that valor has become? And if no money is to be returned, at least can you add old style barbs to the new worlds, so we can farm, like it was in the beta testing.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:57 pm
by Orlor
The old style worlds that currently exist aren't going anywhere.

As for new worlds it is possible there might be a legacy world eventually, but the new style of worlds being released is the standard now.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:55 pm
by LordFirefall
Did you do a different Beta than the rest of us? I don't remember being able to farm barbs in Beta, they kept putting up a fight.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:19 pm
by Fire820
Maybe I've become more insane than normal. But I fail to see the issue about the gold. If you don't wish to spend it in the new worlds, spend it in the old world(s) you're still in. Or buy speed tickets if you'd like.

And I don't remember farming barbs for long in beta.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:49 am
by Powerbang
Barb farming did not exist in beta, that was the most "shocking" change of all...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:22 am
by XTMalDoran
It would be nice, for the "legacy" worlds as you put it to be released with standard worlds, which are much smaller and not everyone likes the barb change - it can't be difficult for play mesh to release one 58k player, 60/25 member guild, farmable random growing barbs as that has how it's always been. I love the changes, but I've been a loyalist to play mesh from world 2, and those of us old timers like slower world capability, large maps, impossible odds, it's what we fell in love with.
The whole change in barbarians kinda feels like a money grub, I understand you guys fixing the chaos "glitch" and installing a payable truce function, bcs ppl were exploiting the chaos feature to stay alive. But introducing speed ups for resources, then phasing out being able to farm? It just seems cheap. The last two "normal" worlds I've played ALL the barbs either would not grow warehouse to acceptable levels over hiding place, or had an unrealistic and by your own rules, impossible number of troops inside city.
Like I said, I love that you guys are putting effort into improvements, and they are cool, but you were also successful with the game as it was, don't take that away from those of us willing to stand by your side (for literally years) and buy gold so u can hire idea ppl to make cool and different worlds.