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Guild World Questions

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:51 am
by AriesLord
Hello, I've been wondering alot about guild world as my guild will soon be inducted since we've decimated W162.

My main question is will gold usage be allowed in guild worlds?
I ask this because I'm sure a good majority of guild world winners are avid gold users. If this world is supposed to be "the best of the best" gold usage will trump strategy any day. I know you guys have played with or against people who have 10k cities in the first week of a new world. I definitely don't want to see any of this in guild world

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:55 am
by Poisonousdeath
As much as we don't like it gold usage will be aloud its a premium part of the game if there wasn't there wouldn't be a game to play. But you do not need gold to win a world most gold users use it so they don't have to farm. I my self would like to see a limit to see who is the best of the best in the guild world.