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Postby ARHS » Wed May 30, 2012 6:54 pm

By alternating chaos, I admit that the game will be better. However, I manage 39 guilds and long range attacks are our bread and butter. I understand that the server gets flooded and I must say that chaos is almost like cheating. I already got myriads of messages from my warriors saying that this is not good.
Playmesh, you must listen to your people. Or they will quit altogether. Our idea is that if we can't chaos, then e should be able to send support to any allied guild. We think that this is achievable and it will put more fun in the game. If this doesn't happen, then long range attacks will be almost impossible.
Thank you for reading our idea.
ARHS BIA supreme commander

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Postby AceDragon » Wed May 30, 2012 8:10 pm

I play in world 3. I have 3 accounts for a total over 1000 cities.
I know that at one point in valor's life you were able to send support to allied guilds. They took that out over a year ago maybe two.
As far as chaos goes, I am glad to see it gone. Honestly You don't really need it.
I remember when it first started people were like what the f, this is cheating. And well really it is. This is war people there are no rules in war. (well there shouldn't be).
In world 3 I think it's been on unlike world 2. But as far as I know, no one is using it anyways. We don't go into enemy territory without getting at least 50 cities near each other, if they happen to get a few back so what. Just hit them again.

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Postby AceDragon » Wed May 30, 2012 8:17 pm

That's why you send fake attacks that are timed just like real ones at the same time to multiple enemy players.
And any other strategy you can think of to throw them off.

I mean duh people will try to get their city back. That's why there is war in the first place. Someone takes something that isn't theirs.

This game will not die. Use your strategy brains and figure out a new way to play. Or do you just want the same thing over and over and over again.

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Postby Jagaer » Wed May 30, 2012 10:27 pm

I feel getting rid of chaos will simply make the game a free for all and remove an entire level of strategy and teamwork that helpd make the game exciting. Now it will just be cap and recap and forced hours of staying online to dodge and counter without allowing for team defense. Using a chaos system is also a good way to tell who is active and who is truly a tam player rather than just an individualist who can fire off a string of attacks. My team and I have had no problems capping cities from other big guild alliances who use chaos as well, and any players who can't figure out how to do so and therefore wanted it abolished should find an easier game somewhere

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Postby Katyusha » Wed May 30, 2012 10:35 pm

While losing chaos is an extremely large hit to the strategies of many people, I feel that it's for the best that its gone. Things have come to a complete stalemate on some worlds because of chaos; I'm on the same side for the most part, I feel that it will make the game much more competitive and I look forward to the future.

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Postby Rats » Thu May 31, 2012 5:23 am

I could care less if there is chaos or no chaos I for one would love to see more people using troops to defend and not relying on chaos so much.

Also no chaos adds a lot of team work because for every attack now you can set the attackers and supporters which adds new levels of strategy

When people say that chaos puts strategy into the game u are right there are so many different tactics to get around chaos but on the other side not having chaos will unearth loads of new tactics with troops my point is that a good strategist will adapt to chaos or no chaos and all those people that are too lazy to come up with new strategies should go play FarmVille

Don't get me wrong on this but I bileave that the new chaos rules that we were given a "peek" at when it went live sooner than expected, I don't think that was all of them or they weren't finished developing the system cause u have to admit that they were pretty co****...

Anyway I'm glad they are changing something and listening to us :)

Another suggestion playmesh should have some worlds with and without chaos for all the different people who like it and don't like it

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Postby IdesOfMach » Thu May 31, 2012 11:43 am

AceDragon wrote:That's why you send fake attacks that are timed just like real ones at the same time to multiple enemy players.
And any other strategy you can think of to throw them off.

Yeah, the problem with this is... The new 15-attack limit. 15 attacks from one player to one city. Which, given 5 scholar attacks, a major clear, and minor clears in front of each scholar... Already accounts for 11/15 attacks. Yes, this places more emphasis on guilds when conquering cities, but I do think it an unfair limitation.

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Postby AceDragon » Thu May 31, 2012 4:56 pm

Who sends minor clears in front of each scholar. Never heard of that. 1-10 clearing waves and 5 scholar attacks all timed to 1 or less than a second apart.

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Postby Tooltip » Thu May 31, 2012 8:16 pm

According to PwnLaw that 15 attack limit was an experiment that accidentally went live and not the new limit.

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Postby IdesOfMach » Thu May 31, 2012 8:24 pm

See, but if you put 5 scholars next to each other, you risk losing one. My guild's devised a timing where, unless the first four hit with 30 loyalty each, there is almost no chance of losing any. It requires spreading them out, and I find it's always nice to have a minor clear before each scholar run, 50kx3 is a lot to lose.

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