Sun Tsu's Art of War

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Postby Tim » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:47 am

Hi Daytonwaters, I liked reading those posts. Thanks for the valuable contribution.

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Postby Aramir » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:39 pm

I enjoyed it also. Keep it coming.

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Art of war

Postby Emet » Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:20 pm

There are many ways, the use of spies for example, use members of your guild to spy on your enemy's, find out when and where they plan on attacking, and feed them false information. Terrain doesn't effect as much. But one thing that does make a difference, is the person, if your trying you are tring to give, or gain support in a war, target a player who is short tempered, send him mail that will make him angry, he will attack out of anger, making you seem like the good guy. Pride is also a major factor. Target someone's pride, and they will almost always strike final tip from the art of war, deception, deceive your enemy whenever possible, attack one city to draw attention ff your real target,if you get news of an enemy strike on one of your city's, send your troops to another city before his scouts arrive.mthen when they do, send them back. He'll send troops enough to wipe the city with the false troop count, and his troops will be decimate( make sure you leave a believable amount of troops in the city) after his waves hit, and are wiped out, he'll be open for an attack.

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Postby Emet » Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:30 pm

Also, Dayton I completely agree with you about thereof thing. Honor cannot be faked. I used to play ebony (much like this game), I was on my way to becoming a good player, although I was only mediocre. I had about 200k points (low for this game) when I was attacked by a player with well over 7 million points. Obviously he had 'forgotten' honor. But is story does have a happy ending. I called in some favors from old friends, they took some of the best city's in the game from him. ( turns out they were waiting for a chance to get this guy XD) to thank me, they gave me one of them.

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Postby Pooptypants » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:34 pm

Sun tzu said " the only way to know the disposition of ones enemies forces is thru the actions of a man"
I was able to turn a man inside an enemy guild who fed us invaluable intel re troops tactics n resources.
When we pulled him out the effect on their collective morale was quite profound.
Undermined their confidence.
After which i Was able to restore temp peace in our sector.
This is a tangible application of sun tzus philosophy.

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Postby Emet » Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:52 pm

Your troops are important too, know who you can trust, if you suspect someone is a spie, give them false info. You should also keep your members happy, aka don't be a jerk to them, and they won't give your enemys info (seems like common sence to me). Discipline is important too, but not so much on this game, no one really dies, and units can easily be rebuilt. However, it does still apply.

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Postby Jucamol » Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:30 pm

All combat is based on deception.

Sun Tzu.
[LEFT]"There was a bluish wolf which was born having destiny from Heaven above"[color="#0000CD"][/color][/LEFT]

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Postby Jucamol » Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:37 pm

All combat is based on deception.

Sun Tzu.
[LEFT]"There was a bluish wolf which was born having destiny from Heaven above"[color="#0000CD"][/color][/LEFT]

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