43K maxed cities. Are they worth it?

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Postby cedcool14 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:39 pm

Deigo 73 wrote:I am maxing my main city simply for the look. Like Valorgamer, my main city is surrounded by my others, so it's kind of like my village capital.

And when it will get capoed u eill look dumb -.-

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Postby Mosser » Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:03 pm

That sentence looked dumb. XD

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Postby 1EddardStark » Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:39 pm

Dubilbul wrote:How can you build more than 1 city ?
You cant, but you can take over other cities with scholars.

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43k Maxed Cities

Postby foehammer47592 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:03 am

Each building has a purpose. So in determining whether or not a 43k maxed city is worth it you have to decide how effective you want your buildings to be. There are five things I consider: Academy, Guardians, Resources, Army Building, Points.

I max resources on all cities, eventually. Sometimes I don't max the ironmine right away because I always have WAY to much lying around, especially as you get several near max cities with full armies.

I think that every city should have maxed barracks and stable, but maybe not the workshop. You don't need as many rams/ballistas as the other troops so maxing the workshop is only for points.

Hiding places should be at zero. With all the barbarians to farm, there's no point.

Early on, every city you have should have an academy so that you can purchase scholars. Later on in the game when you have 15+ cities, you might choose to forego an academy in some cities for strategic reasons. (i.e. cities with low defense)

I have NEVER maxed out a market. I honestly don't even know how many merchants a maxed market has. I normally stop at level 20.

If you are chasing points, your best bet is to conquer more cities, not max out the ones you have.

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Postby MechaStorm » Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:18 pm

maxed out cities cant hold as many troops as a lower points city. so i dont max mine out unless they are alreaady maxed when i take them.
and just fyi foehammer a maxed market has 100 merchants

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Postby Brendone » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:12 pm

Does anyone ever actually have a city attacked or attack that 1200 more pop would make a difference? When I am attacking a city I clear the living daylights out of it, usually anywhere from 7-10k beserkers, 2-3k knights and 500-1k rams (I rebuild all equally based on time to train and resources used so I get my cities back to full form asap) time anywhere from 4-15 cities, and usually when I hit the city it will have been fortified with upwards of 20-40k guardians. BTW, when you are attacking a city like that you better believe it makes sense to hit with 1000 rams to knock the hell out of the wall, otherwise you are chewing up your defenses. If he had an extra 250 guardians native to that city, its not going to make a lick of difference, but having maxed city hall, barracks, stable will make a huge difference to him in rebuilding his wall and troops if he survives my attack.

Same goes when I or a guildmate are under attack, if I have to activate support cities, I don;'t really care if I'm sending in 4800 or 5100 guardians from each city, since I'm probably sending 5-10 cities worth and its either going to stop the attack huge, or be crushed. I usually upgrade my cities to max everything but leave city hall at 25 if it wasn't 30 by time I take it. Once you have over 100 cities it is pretty time consuming to go through and max stuff out, or train troops, usually that is only done daily so it might take me a long time to get my cities up to the 35-40k points I usually leave them at.

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:25 pm

Actually, I've had that amount of troops make the difference on numerous occasions. Think of it this way. If I have 100 43k cities, that's 120,000 less zerks I can put on the field of battle. See where the difference lies now?

As far as rebuilding goes, it takes six to eight hours to rebuild a wall from 24 to 25, unless you are going to spend 100 gold to speed it up. If I'm doing my job as an attacker, I'm not giving you the chance to rebuild, I'm timing everything to land within minutes of each other.

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Postby LordSeaice » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:58 pm

Everyone has their own style, not saying right or wrong. IMO even with 100 cities maxed I could build Zerks quicker than if those cities/buildings were not 43k or lvl 25/30. Over the longer stretch it may just work out the same either way.

Having 20,30 or a whole screen full of maxed cities in an area is more intimidating than the smaller cities.

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:41 pm

LordSeaice wrote:Everyone has their own style, not saying right or wrong. IMO even with 100 cities maxed I could build Zerks quicker than if those cities/buildings were not 43k or lvl 25/30. Over the longer stretch it may just work out the same either way.

Having 20,30 or a whole screen full of maxed cities in an area is more intimidating than the smaller cities.

Intimidation is in the eye of e beholder. You see an imposing set of cities, I see a soft target ;) There are buildings that don't effect troop production and have a huge impact on total population. Market is but the first to come to mind.

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Postby LordSeaice » Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:18 pm

Yes I agree Firefall, market is basically useless and a waste of population once your up to a dozen or more and a reason I don't build them in later stages of the world. Also forge once you have a few acadamies in place can be demo to 15 or less along with the others. Just depends on the way you like to set-up.

Try to do the math on this say over say a month, 3 months or even a year and depending on world speeds there maybe a small difference overall. I do love my math n so I may post it once I've some extra free time! :)

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