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Postby Minhtri7872 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:42 am

In world 100, I got the guy next to me around 1185 points, with farm lvl 1, and all resources production lvl1. But he can produce more than 110 lancers around 5 hrs, and he has more than 4000 lancers. He has no scouts, but my scouts was killed when scouting him.

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Postby Krumbz613 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:34 am

larlis wrote:Well.. No its free. If you can live with a scholarship debt in one of the accounts.

Perhaps I am just looking at this wrong or over thinking it. If city A has a scholar and city B caps then they get the scholar and a negative scholar limit correct. But how do u repetively cap the city to acquire the scholars over and over?. Seems like a one time deal. I must me missing a part of the equation!

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Postby chuckmonster » Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:13 am

well, if you keep capping cities that have tried to protect their scholars(by moving them to another city as support), then after moving them back into your newly captured city, you'll always have more scholars than you're actually allowed with the number of scholarships you own. But this is quite rare now as most people dont have the time and really just cbs moving troops in and out of cities...


Postby bananabandana » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:18 am

Wouldn't it be hilarious, if one of these days we decided to "collect" on everyone's scholar debt? We give all scholar farmers a couple days to catch up on their scholarship debt, after that, we collect on cities repo-style, barbing out their cities starting from their first conquered and going down the line.


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Postby Greyhigh » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:37 am

Here is how it can be abused. (This is a theory, and I have not tried). PM please correct me if I am wrong! This can be done with either having two accounts (devices) or working with a partner in crime on a different account. I'll label account "A" as the attacker, and account "B" as the defender.
Account "B" has, lets say, 5 scholars. They are moved to support an outside city. Account "A" caps that city, and calls them home. Now "A" has 5 new scholars and is negative 5. "B" loses those scholars and now can rebuild 6 more, and moves them out of that city. (5 lost + city lost = 6 scholars avail to educate)
"A" caps the next city and calls those scholars home. It is now negative 11, but "B" is once again freed up to rebuild 7 more scholars.
This could be abused by a player on two accounts and just keeps capping the other accounts cities. IF this is repeated and account "B" occasionally caps a city for account "A" to exploit again, "A" could have an infinite amount of scholars to use.
Again, this is just a theory as I have not had the time to invest on trying to exploit a game, and possibly be banned for it.

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Postby redrum1380 » Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:45 pm

If you get yourself behind in scholarships, it will create issues when your cities are capped. You will not have enough scholarships to build the scholars needed to retake. I think this type of issue is short-lived, as it will bite the user in the end.

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Postby Imya » Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:50 am

bananabandana wrote:Wouldn't it be hilarious, if one of these days we decided to "collect" on everyone's scholar debt? We give all scholar farmers a couple days to catch up on their scholarship debt, after that, we collect on cities repo-style, barbing out their cities starting from their first conquered and going down the line.


While having the scholars revolt and taking away their free scholars and ones in education might solve the problem taking their cities away might cause them to just quit. Its a problem PlayMesh has ignored for to long that for some its a game mechanic.

All that needs to be done is zero out their scholars and when new cities are captured free any scholars the city might have at the time of capture that would put the capturing player over their limit.

If your serious about barbing out cities which by some accounts would be fair I hope you let the user pick, random barbing out or barbing out on some chosen sort with would make a lot of players unhappy. If the players who do this are not paying then you may not care a whole lot I suspect you have that kind of data and would consult it first.

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Postby OldGamer » Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:40 am

Scholar farming... one of the advanced strategies developed by old players: this is one. And that's all, nobody is guilty or a cheater doing that. I already wrote about it in another thread so i won't repeat.
Here's the link:

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Postby Delic » Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:44 am

I think it's good that players can scholar farm, it makes the game more interesting. Also it's an advanced way of playing, I've read the link above from old gamer and he is right.

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Postby MyName999 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:11 pm

This is basically something that is often done...

Each time I abandonned a world, before clicking the button, I warn my mates in order them to conquer my cities costless... As my troops were sent out while being conquered, in order them to invade and gain the city and the troops, I sent scholars too (which are troops too).

Each time I loosed a city, I recruited correspondant scholar in order him to be offered with next city...

At the end, if f.e. I had 12 cities in the beginning, last city's conqerer had 11 scholars more with the package.

As long as I know, we're lots to act this way when quitting a world.

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