Far villages

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Far villages

Postby Bib123 » Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:39 am

Ive read some of the stuff on here about defence.. I see horse defence guardians as best defence? In terms of speed.. And at lvl 3 I seem them as brilliant.. I can also see the point in lancers and sentry..

What I want to know from elite players of the game is.. My far away villages? Should I just build guardians and then maybe 1 or 2 or 3 villages to produce just straight spears and sentry? I then will have my closest villages supported by sentry ect from other close villages a d my far away villages will just make guardians.. And ram/ballista?

Any ideas? My general ideas is to capture 10-20k villages that are far.. With my guild buddies..

What do you guys do strategy wise? And also how many guardians can I get in one village when farm and guardians are maxed?

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Postby EmeraldC » Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:49 am

in a maxed city you can have 19k+ spare units for troops. now do some math. for guards divide by 4. thats how many guards you can make. multiply that by their defense value and you'll see total defense. if you work the numbers you'll see they have less defense then having half lance and sents

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Postby Bib123 » Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:34 pm

What's the best all rounder? I'm starting to get over 10 villages now.. I have 4 villages that produce just sentry and lancer.. And 2 villages that produce only beserker/ram And one village that produces just scouts.. The rest are far away so will make just guardians level 3 and rams??

Is it possible to defend with ram and ballista? And if so is it good to max them out?? To level 3?? What's good sets ups ect


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Postby DaddyBat » Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:05 pm

Rams and Ballista are no defense at all. Really they are attack units only. And yes half half sentries and lancers is better than guardians, but guardians are great along with berserkers for escorting scholars once you've cleared a city

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Postby Gilictic » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:55 pm

Hey Bib123, I recommend building only guards one city (maybe some spies, and etc. )... Make sure they're level 3. Why? Because you won't have time to lose when supporting your offense cities with the slow sentries and lancers (I have heard of, and seen, the top player be targeted by entire guilds). In offense, I recommend mostly zerkers and rams. Of course, you are going to have to support this city with your defensive ones.

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Postby Moja » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:39 am

What do u mean by level 3?

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Postby Gilictic » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:38 am

In some worlds, you can research level 3 in the forge.

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Postby HYBRID » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:35 am

i am a top player in several worlds and from experience i can tell you guards knights and zerks. i dont plan on getting attacked but if i do ALL citys house lvl 3 guards. they are the fastest defense travel time troops. yes i know its 4 troops to 1 but quite frankly if you cant get troops to a city under attack whats the point? also do some research in the fourms housing lvl 3 troops in a defenseive city means squat if you send them to a attacking city with no research for say lancers.. just my oppion and everyone has them.

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