43K maxed cities. Are they worth it?

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Postby Moja » Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:14 am

Use scholars u can get them if u have an academy

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Postby Duke24 » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:26 am

I max all cities. Troops are only a couple thousand more, and with a wall 25 and a maximum of 4,888 or so gaurdians, defense doesn't need much more. And with 85 cities, offense isn't that hard either.

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Postby HYBRID » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:45 am

markets are important when you have 100 cities and are active in war. you farther cities will become a resource supply house, plus when taking new cities you will need resources to build troops. i dont know how you play but i build as soon as i take a city. i dont wait for resouces to be generated. as far as the accadmey and fordge yes it sux to have both at full level as it does take farm space but what if i attack your accadmey and destroy it? now you will need to rebuild your fordge to get the accadmey back. I have a accadmey at all of my cities no matter what. also it helps as you will only have so many escort troops per city a safe average is 3- 4 scholars per city. If you have 100 cities and are attacking 10 cities at a time you will need the extra scholars

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Postby person47 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:53 pm

The problem with maxed out cities is people will want to take it, and there is less population room for troops.

If your main goal is to get to the top of the points rank, go right ahead and max it.

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Postby HYBRID » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:34 pm

I do agree with you there is no reason to have say a lvl 30 city hall except for points and looks. Market on the other hand is importand IMO

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Postby Duke24 » Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:45 pm

I believe that once there are enough points the petty criminals go away and you are left alone pretty much. City hall at lvl 30 is vitally important to me as it decreases the build time and helps the building go faster.

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Postby Asplundh » Fri May 04, 2012 6:31 am

For points, nothing beats a 43K city. I like having ONE just for aesthetic and ego reasons. The rest of my cities rarely point-out at more than 35K though. That seems to be a nice balance between city points and decent troop production. HOWEVER, I have one friend whose philosophy is to never build a city larger than 25K and then specialize each one: one builds Lancers only, another builds only Zerx, another builds only Knights, and so forth. 28K Lvl-3 Zerx out of one city, 17.3K Lvl-3 Guardians out of another. Love it when he's in my guild. His kill scores as attacker and defender are always sky-high!


Postby optimus888 » Tue May 08, 2012 7:18 pm

Dubilbul wrote:How can you build more than 1 city ?

You'll need to build an Academy and then build scholarships for scholar units. When you attack with scholars and bring another city's loyalty down to 0, you will conquer it.

So technically your'e not building another city, but more like taking it over.

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Postby Maaattyyyy23 » Thu May 17, 2012 8:01 pm

How can you have 28k zerks in one city with a max pop of 23k?

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Postby Tooltip » Thu May 17, 2012 8:14 pm

Eight looks at lot like three.

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