Hiding place

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Postby RockNRoll » Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:24 pm

I'd like it more if it held more resources. 10k is nothing in this game. I think it would be more useful if it held a percentage of whatever your warehouse level is instead of a fixed number of resources.

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Postby Valorgamer » Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:53 pm

You should be able to store more resources in it like everyone agrees but I like the troop idea maybe limit troops to 2k, further to this any troops that are in the hiding place could ambush incoming enemies, who says the hiding place is within the city walls ?, if u have scouts in the hiding place they can give u intel on what's incoming, I know u can pay to find this out but that can still be an option for those who don't put scouts in it,

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Postby Hangeer » Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:07 am

Isn't hiding place population upkeep is 0? How's that wasting population

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Postby Akilies » Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:47 pm

The hiding place does not take up a lot of the population when you upgrade it, but the fact is that it still takes up several population which without the hiding place can add to that much more troops

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Postby Glassfish » Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:14 am

I like the troop hiding idea. The hidden troops increasing the defensive value. but isn't this what the wall is for? I think we need to look at the simple fact that you can't hide enough in there. If you've committed time and resources to building it you should be able to hide more.
Or maybe hidden troops could act like an underground force in an occupied city. If the city is captured the force remains there unoticed giving you scout intel. Each time you use intel it's like sending scout. So usual scout defence rules would apply.

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Postby EmeraldC » Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:23 am

To be honest I don't think y'all have thought this hiding troops out thoroughly. Remember what a player can do so can a barb outside of attacking. So imagine at the beginning of a world when resources are precious and you only have 1 scholar going for a barb and you lose it because of hidden troops. If it's decided to make HP able to hide troops I think there should be a cost involved. Such as it cost you the same amount of farm space to hide them as it does to make them. In other words you farm usage for hidden troops is doubled. Personally I this its cowardly. This game takes some strategy in defending and attacking. If you can home troops you've just taken strategy in defending out. Especially since troops you conquer city with don't take up residence in the city they've just helped conquer.

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Postby OckhamsRazor » Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:25 pm

Yes. You need to turn it upside down.

Make it so any attacker has to go through the amount of resource in NUMBER that you have hidden before they actually get anything. So with hideout protecting 200 resources, if an attacker gets a haul of 260, 260, 260, he actually only gets 60, 60, 60. That's for every attack he makes even if the defender only has one of each resource, the attacker would have to be able to take 201 to get that 1.

Level 25 hideouts will spring up everywhere.

P.S. If you want to do the same things with troops, it's a new building time! Garrison :)

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Postby DaddyBat » Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:50 pm

Actually Garrison is a great idea if made a wall ability> and hiding troops is not really a good use of hiding place but making the capacity larger is. when you're a fortress 10k is nothing when your attackers shouldn't be able to clean you out anyway. I find hiding place useless once your city is past 15k points.

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