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Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:02 pm
by b3d3

Asplundh is talking big..28k zerks in 1 city??WTF

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:46 am
by GeneralZaphod
I disagree to some degree. Every maxed out building has a purpose going forward except the city hall, forge, and hiding place. Another advantage is more points, however more troops can help make that up.

1. Troop buildings: no brainer, you build troops faster. Max them out.
2. City hall: you can leave this lower. After attacks you can rebuild your wall fast. Any city at risk, you should leave this fairly high. I usually build this to 30 early and it gets my maxed out faster.
3. Forge: Once you build the academy you can drop this down. Haven't dropped it very far, though, if you drop below a threshold of an ability like guardians, do you loose it?
4. Market: always max. I use my markets like crazy selling on the open market, and also sending to other cities.
5. Resources: obviously leave at max.
6. Farm, max
7. Warehouse, max
8. hiding play, useless.
9. Wall, max.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:09 pm
by Robinswar
28k zerks? He has either defence with zerks from others or its a glitch

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:38 am
by ChichWarrior14
Just get academy and research whatever u need to downgrade to lvl 1 or 15 if u wanna feel safe

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:24 pm
by aydinspor
Optimum city levels:
-city hall -max 25
-stage -max 20
-barracks -if the city is a def city than max 20 (cavalry is more important than the infantry in def cities); if it is a striker city then max 25
-resources -max 30
-farm & warehouse -max 30
-market -max 20
-wall -max 25
-forge -if u researched all troops u will need in that city then drop it to level 0, u don't need it anymore so max 0
-hiding -useless, max 0
-every city should have academy
These r my city optimization in which u will have 20,924 troops population. If ur city pop is 43,999 than the max population of the troops u can build up in that city is 19,272 which means the opportunity cost of this luxry is 1,652 population.

-troops maximization
-in every city build up all of the troops because every one has a different speed which will help u to calculate optimum landing time to a city that u r doing a massive attack.
- for the striker cities, the best scenario is for every cavalry build up 2 infantries such as 8.000 axes plus 4.000 knights or 6,500 axes plus 3,500 guards.
-use less rams, I've only 25 rams in my cities and just using them in calculating the best landing time and making chaos. U don't need them. To break the wall from lvl 25 to lvl0 u need to have 325 rams means 1,350 population but instead of these rams u can build up axes or cavalry, depends on u, and u will lose only 11% of these population while attacking a city with lvl25 wall. 11% means 149 population. 1,350 vs 149. Guess which one is better.
Don't forget that this is a strategy game so u have to maximize ur wealth and power in order to rule ur reign.

I'm aydinspor in w54

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:46 pm
by MechaStorm
well... you may want to keep the forge at like 15 just in case someone takes out your academy

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:50 am
by Karl302
I destroy any 40+ city I take my average city is in the 30s I like to have more troops than the look of a 40+ city

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:32 pm
by LordFirefall
43k cities are totally worth it... As a target. I love to see them on enemy city lists as it means less resistance ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:37 pm
by MechaStorm
yes less troops there to defend and easier to kill it

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:39 pm
by MechaStorm
i generally keep my cities around 25-35k. and fill them up with troops. no one has been able to break my city down yet. lol