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Kieron Azure Guide First Week

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:05 pm
by KieronAzure
Whatup folks!
Been playing this game for a week now. At the moment of writing this, I'm No.10 in my region (R42) in World 35 and No. 765 in the global rankings.

First of all, until your buildings reach level 15, Wood is the most important resource.
So concentrate on improving that the most.
Beyond that, Quarry is also important.

Initially, Levels of the resource buildings should be in the ratio - Lumber:Quarry:Iron = 3:2:1

Resource Farming is key to developing fast. Start developing Lancers and farming early.
Initially you'll have 20 Lancers and 10 Berserkers (after you complete some basic quests)

Use them to defeat the two closest barbarian cities and wipe out their armies. Once that is done, they are your regular farming grounds.
Do not split your forces- gets you more losses that way and the loot isn't high either.

Do not waste resources on improving farm/warehouse initially. Make improvements/research necessary to get the three types of infantry up and running.
If you play it right, by the time the beginner's protection wears off, you would have researched knights and will be ready to unleash an army of knights on other cities.

Do not generate more than 150 of any type of the infantry since most of your farming will be done using Knights.
I spied a city who had 325 Sentry! I understand that whenever Iron piles up too much, there's the temptation to spend it in Sentry to use up the Iron.
Resist that temptation!
Farming with Sentries is tedious and limits your range as well because if you try attacking far-off cities with Sentries, by the time your army gets there, some other player would have plundered the resources and you'd be reaching an empty city.
Once you can get Scouts- develop 10 and send 2 scouts each to the neighbouring cities and get info before you attack.
That way you know the cities with the best loot.

Just select 2 scouts and attack any city normally. The "army" will return with the entire info about the city.
I have only sent 2 scouts to every city I have spied on- and however powerful the army stationed in it, I have never lost a scout.

Always include 2 Scouts in every attacking army - that way you get info about the remaining resources in the city and other info as well.

You do not need to develop more than level 5 for your wall.

Improve your market to level 2 or 3 initially and upto level 6/7 when you are higher.
Buy off the cheap iron sold for wood/clay by the newbies. If your warehouse capacity is low, improve it.
Always have a warehouse capacity that will take atleast 6 hours to fill up. If not, its time to improve.

I didn't waste resources with the hiding place.

Once you get Knights, stop other improvements for a while and spend it on developing a large army- 50 atleast.
Each Knight can carry loot of 45 resources.

I haven't been playing in other worlds and don't think I will ever and I'll also advise you folks not to waste time unless you have conquered your starting world or if the present world has too many tough players that you don't get enough cities to farm for resources.
World 35 is one of the newest I reckon, so not many developed players- 7000 odd is the points of the highest player. I myself am on 5300. I'd advise you to start off in this World.

I realize that this is a very basic and chaotic guide. So based on your comments/questions I will edit it look to better.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:01 pm
by Skinnergary
Wow have you been nicking my strategy v similar different world . Good luck