Valor U: Guild management tip contest

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Postby EliteBatman » Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:49 pm

The best way to form a strong guild is first make the guild as big as possible. Then once you have a large guild start getting rid of players who stopped playing the game. Then only add players that will be useful and a valuable asset to your guild.

Humberto Martins
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Postby Humberto Martins » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:39 pm

All Organizated guilds have to be basic rules:
Alliance: The main objective of guild members. All have to win and grow with the guild.
Main Members Vote: The General and the Captain have to help the war lord to invite new members and turn powerfull the guild.
War Pact: How the members will send supports for defend cities or to conquer new ones. How many and what kind of troops will be send for defend and for attack by each guild member.
Remembering that All kingdom have their resources limits so the support too.
Exclusion Member Law: What kind of actions exclude a guild member.

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Postby Brendone33 » Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:54 am

Our guild warlords uses a chat app (qurki) to communicate out of game regularly (messages push notifications). We have a separate room all members have access to to coordinate attacks (we screenshot ingame screens to quickly share information). The biggest thing for us is having 3 active warlords that are very active and experienced, always helping our guildmates.

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Postby Bladnach » Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:04 pm

Awesome suggestions ...
I miss the Guild chat with notice of logging in and out.

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Postby Joshuasky » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:58 am

The best way to have a strong guild is to have a strong military. It is important every player knows who is friendly who is the enemy and what the guilds current military strategy is.

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Postby Bladnach » Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:08 am

Guilds is about communication. And what I pinpoint out here is what I need to make my Guild more effective and fun.

Valor lacks really a Guild Chat, an indicator of who is on line, a forum where screen shots can be uploaded, Guild mails (so you dont have to copy/paste general info and send individual mail to each member), member user name integration with e-mail account (so you can contact players been off line for a long time), a map of your region to be updated (near)real-time on a website (should be generated from the Region map in the game with cities, colours etc. It is hard to keep track of who is where, and during battle you need a map for planning) and a Guild marketplace - so resources can be traded within the Guild.

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Postby Bladnach » Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:10 pm

I forgot - we need a page where ALL attacks and defences, members joining and members leaving is listed.

It is very hard to keep track of what is going on - as members is from all over the world - and sometimes one have to sleep

You must do more for Guilds - as that is the main purpose for most players to hang on.

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Postby Jaykc » Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:00 am

I have a good way of motivating guild members To hit set targets everyone in the guild earmarks a set amount of resource at the beginning usually 100 of each for the challenge whoever reaches target first wins the pot early targets are first to 3000 points and ending with first to capture a city after this the guild is pretty well up and running

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Postby Sirspencer » Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:00 pm

I make a thread called just for fun . Of something like that . Inside that tread I make question games like movie question or something along that line . And award points to the winner of each question or game . And at the end o the week I as a leader I give some of my resources out as a prize . The point of it is to build up moral team work and bring extra activity to the forums . And fun bonding so you guild will grow strong not only in points but as a unit

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Postby ItzJosh » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:44 am

Ehm I had an idea to Add at mails something that you can write 2 persons, like you sent à mail to 2 persons and all can see their mails and just chat with only 3 persons. So you can privately chat with that others, if its About conquering or something

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