Valor U: Guild management tip contest

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Valor addict
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Postby Valor addict » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:02 am

Emoji is a fantastic way to get a player to look at your forum. A smiley face can just make the difference for when a member may need your help and suck in your attention. This is only one of many ways. You may succeed in getting a player to notice but deleting all posts and only have one lone post which is your target for people to recognise. I would not always suggest this though as it may distress some people who made the forums. The third way is just informing people through guild chat, kakao (which i recommend to get the guild chatting), or even just the guild chat. Hope this has helped somebody.

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Postby TotallyTory » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:54 pm

I personally run a guild where me and a few close members run the guild together. We message each other ideas and strategies so we can keep our guild running as smooth as possible. The main tip I provide is contact. Keep in contact with all of your members so you know how they are coming along and if they need help or resources. Use sites like KakaoTalk to be able to strategize with other members and have separate chat rooms for separate topics. Also listen to your members. Their input is important to have an organized guild. As long as you use teamwork, keep in contact, and listen to your members, you will have a well organized happy guild ^.^

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Postby MechaStorm » Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:15 pm

i make goals for my guild. the top 3 peopl in my guild excluding already maade generals and captians get a captain promotion. if they can keep that position for a week or two then they are promoted to general. i hold that competition within my guild every 2 or 3 weeks. i usually make a second croen to help me when i see that somene is there who helps out the new members. and i agree that it is super difficult to run a guild on your own.
My forums generally look like this

introduction: get to know each other and begin your bonding as a guild
Q&A: help the newbies figure out what theyre supposed to be doing
suggestions: have any ideas to make the guild a better one? im glad to see all suggestions
rules: set up a code of conduct within the guild so you know that your guild is honorable and not cheaters

War Room:
support: need support? post here and well help ya out
attacked/being attacked: post who attacked you and the eta time of attack. post the attackers city and your city.

Claims Room:
example: set up an example of how to properly use the bb codes, create their own thread with their name for each of their claims or use a big claims list

wood: if you need wood post here
clay: if you need clay post here
iron: if you need iron post here
extra: if you have extra resources post here, there are always guys that need your help

kakao id: if you have it then we can communicate more easily.

checkin: hold an active check once in a while to make sure your guys are active in the guild and are participating
leaving: if people want to leave that world they should post in here so the leaders can know who left and which of his/her cities need to be capped
vacation: say when you go on vacation and for how long you will be out

works well for me. im open to suggestions and improvements on my forums. always looking for a better way to run my guild

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Postby Connguy » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:05 pm

I find the most common mistake in organizing forums is making too many forums. People don't have time to sit and scroll through every forum to check for new posts! Also if a forum is off the screen, many people don't even realize it's there or forget to check it. So my max is SIX, unless you have an unimportant forum at the bottom that people shouldn't check regularly. Now the question is: what six? I've organized a lot of forums, and i find these are the best options:
1. General
- you need a forum for anyone to post anything, be it off-topic, questions, or suggestions. I also recommend adding a sticky locked thread labelled announcements, where you can post longer announcements than the little blurbs on the main guild page.
2. ICE (In Case of Emergency)
- this is the most important forum, where people in need of support ask for help. It must be streamlined, make sure everyone posts their name as the title and uses bbcode to give the city attacked and the city/player attacking. other info can be added at will (eg why they attacked, what support you need, etc)
3. War Room
- the previous forum is for purely defense; this is where you take the offensive. How the war room is structured changes from guild to guild and with the world type. For example, in a 60 person guild it's a good idea to separate into squads by locality with generals in charge. But in 25-man guilds you have to usually go with a whole-guild or at least half-guild approach
4. Resources
- I personally don't really care for this forum, but I find people complain when you don't have it. Just have three threads (one for each resource) and lock the whole forum so people can't make new threads
5. Check-in
- crucial piece of any guild. Having the No. 1 global player is useless if he never checks the forum or helps the others. This is how you can find out who is:
A. Active enough to post in the time frame given
B. A guild player, not a lone wolf only in your guild for protection

Regular check-ins get annoying, so i do one every couple weeks only. Give members 2 or 3 days before locking it, and use it as a reference before kicking ppl to make new openings
6. City Claims
- if you have this forum, it is of the utmost importance that every player respects the rules for the guild's integrity. When a person claims a city, have them post the coords as the title, then tag the city and their own name in the post (their own name so if an admin makes an edit, you know who had the original claim). To avoid people making claims before they're ready, put a 3-5 day time limit on claims. After that point, any guildmate has a chance to pick up the claim before the original can renew it. And make sure you enforce, whoever made the first claim gets the city.

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Tips on guild we use

Postby Jared187 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:36 pm

STE50 wrote:That's a lot of info to take in , all in one go . I , myself have started a Guild a few days back ! But I'm still struggling to make sense of the game. Oh , I'm mosst certainly NOT buying fools gold , for real cash. Any advice would be greatly appreciated ,

We use the games forum in many ways. We started with basic rules of guild to read no follow, like no attacking other guilds without permission. Then after that we go through a basic tutorial of the game n how it works. We have a war room, a city claim room so no one takes wrong barbs n no in guild fighting. We also have a player city thread so if a player goes barb or mass attacked n killed, we can locate n take cities back. We even have a joke of day thread to keep things light n enjoyable. As for war thread we break up guild in three teams. 20 in each. Makes it easier to split up enemies by teams. We use kakao chat to keep everyone involved. Plus we have crown chat n a coalition chat. there is a bit more but for just starting guild that should be a good basic start. Then make threads as you see fit n need. Hope it helps, jared187

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Postby Brenjun » Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:20 am

Kakoa is a good way to communicate but nothing beats ventrilo! You can get vent app for your phone not only are you able to actually talk to your guild members to attack and defend you can also chat about anything ! Vent brings people closer nd I think that's the most important thing for a guild :)

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Postby Deathseeker60 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:51 pm

Use kakao chat since it is simple and easy to use and can save cities.

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Postby Gumbyxiii » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:54 pm

Best tip: work together as a team with the other players in your guild -the more teamwork you have the stronger your guild will become-

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