City Sidebar: Your Input

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Postby ramorocks » Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:48 pm

our current individual system of naming cities is a forced evolution. we had to create something that would work for us using your existing alphabetic system. it is not ideal but its the only way. it would be best, like TheDude suggests, to have a way for us to manually sort our own cities regardless of name.

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Postby Lordkirby47 » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:56 pm

I organize my city's alphabetically. My oldest cities are a names and when I run out of ideas I change letters.

As a suggestion- keep the arrows, and put back the new sidebar. The sidebar was like a improved portal, and I liked being able to look at all my cites instead of blocks of 10.

Organization ideas-
Filters- I like the idea of searching by region, or by distance from target via a filter- maybe entering coordinates and sorting city's in the sidebar by distance?

Also- custom "grouping" might work as well- implement the sidebar, and replace/modify the portal into a custom grouping center. Similar to the bookmark feature, you could add a city to a group ie group 1 ( user editable name) could be all your attack city's etc etc, group 2 scholar city's and so forth. You could also add a section for non player groups for city's that aren't yours- for example adding a good farming barb to "farming target" list, as well as setting up player targets ie " attack plan" group.

I think that custom grouping would simplify all the organizing that goes with Many cities.

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Postby Therkyn » Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:04 pm

Set up for the Alpha... we need to be able to easily move to the next city in the list (the arrow keys) for those of use who just scroll through. With 300+ cities, I found I would get to the start of my work for the day, then when I finish mark that for the next. Having to side bar is easy with 20, with 300 it will be just as much a PITA as going through the portal selection 1 set of 10 at a time... I think this added "feature" is great for small #'s of cities, but at 300, it just sounds like a nightmare. -t

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Postby bellz17 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:23 am

I'd like some filters:

sort by name
sort them by age - newest capped to oldest cap.
sort by region#/xxx,yyy
sort by population
sort by existing scholars

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Postby Manaeus » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:25 am

Sorting would be great, including sorting by city hall availability or barracks availability or scholarship availability. Also, why can't you put the name of the city larger on not hidden (brown on brown). You can place the name and points on the city hall big button and the sub buttons. The sidebar is cool, but I literally dinner t know which city I'm in anymore without going into the city hall.

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Postby Manaeus » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:37 am

By the way, current city naming rubric= 34A-city name. 34 is the region. A-P are 25x25 blocks in the region, and then I try to keep cities close to each other with the same first letter. I did this for grouping reasons.

I don't know why you don't see the points on a city except in the portal. If you know what you're doing you can tell how built up your city is by that. Also on the button for barracks, could you superimpose how many of each troop we have? Then we can see if we should go in to build troops. Finally, PLEASE have an update all button. I'm getting ready to put the game away because if the delay between each city. It's too much of a waste if time by the time you get to 40 or 50 cities.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:42 am

Leave the portal exactly as it is don't bother with a new sidebar.

All you need to do is change the portal I little. Instead of pressing left or right one page (10citys) at a time. Change that to a slide bar like the one when you send troops or buy scholarships. As a player that has 114 pages of city's I can tell u this is easiest way to fix problem.

But few things to think about. 1st when you press the portal button don't always start the slide bar on page one. Start it on the page the current city u are on is in. For example. If I'm on city 505. When I press portal button it should open on page 51.

Other thing is don't get rid of the arrows leave them there as well this give player easy way to jump 1 page by button ( Playmesh learnt people don't want to loose the buttons in last update).
Or the slide bar as second option to to scroll for page 51 to 114 in an instant.

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Postby MancManu » Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:24 pm

I have my cities named starting with the same letter by region. I like the new top bar and city side bar but would like to keep the scroll arrows to move through all cities. Maybe an up/down button to the right of the city name.

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Postby Escogido » Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:44 am

I like the new side bar. No complaints except for the title of the city. Brown on brown is hard to read especially in less then optimal light conditions on an iPhone. Make it white on brown or some other high contrast combination.

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Postby PaRiAh666 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:31 pm

Trying to move through 15 city's without the arrows is frustrating and very time consuming. Bring back the arrows!

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