iOS Beta Test Opportunity!

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Postby Ayla52 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:30 pm

You need new beta testers. Takes forever to queue troops now. The city arrows were one thing, I only have 40 cities, so that didn't hurt as bad. This one stings.

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Postby cmeks » Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:12 pm

In game ID: cmekss

Cant wait! although by what you say by iOS beta test what does that mean? im confused couse i already play this on my iphone :P

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Postby segols » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:39 am

here I am if I can help

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Postby Jerrykorman » Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:18 am

In game I'd: kormann

Help a brother out, if I don't get invited into the beta test world, I'm going to have to shovel bunny poop in the rescue! So just sayin' if you don't choose me your all responsible for be being covered in bunny crap! And I would hate for you to carry such a heavy burden!

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Postby Spiderturk » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:01 pm

Ign : spiderturk
I'm half spider half Turk and a pinch of bezerker ( well a really big pinch ) been battling through the thick and thin since w13 so you could call be a veteran still standing tall with many scars to prove. One thing I do love is making people revert back to 1085pt :) oh just before I see there Scholers head on a lancers pike :)

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Postby batman97 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:34 pm

Hey all I'm batman97 playing on world 66. I'm addicted to this game so much so that it has caused fights with my girlfriend. I really enjoy the strategy involved in the game. Would love to be a beta tester cause some of the latest improvements to the game have caused slowdowns in managing cities. It would be great if playmesh could figure out a way to make the game faster. Right now it takes me over 2 hours just to buy scholarships at my 450 cities. As i told my girlfriend I'll stop playing when I die.

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Postby Usoga2004 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:22 pm

In game ID: cityextra thanks

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Postby Kazzam » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:52 pm

Kazzam717 I like the violence. Timing out proper attacks on a strong enemy. Dislike the monotony of farming (a necessary evil to compete), wish all Barb's would catch fire and burn to the ground forever!!

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Postby LordDireWolf » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:12 pm

In Game: LordDireWolf, my the excitement sitting on the edge of a major launch

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Postby Gwynbleidd » Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:05 am

In game: Gwynbleidd
My favourite part is the idea of diplomacies, what they mean and what they can lead to :) . I'd love to beta test the new valor, i'm an anthropologist and i've been observing valor social trends and the valor sub-culture if you wish to call it so. i am rather addicted myself, and thats just one more reason to give me this opportunity. I am more than sure i can be productive. Valor has got all the big things right, insane game, it doesn't need any big changes, what it needs is small tweaks that will make all the difference. Hope you deem me worthy.

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