Ideas -- A Thought From A PlayMesher

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Postby Aethlstan » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:10 am

I had an idea that would not be implemented for a while: Barbarian Hoards.

Bear with me on this. You know all the forests and mountains on the map? What if some of those were secret barbarian hoards that barbarians stashed their extra resources in? Players could find these hoards by scouting mountains and forests. Hoards would be defended by barbarians, but you could attack hoards and station your own troops there. These are not cities you can own, rather when you send your troops to control a hoard, they disguise themselves as barbarians and send the resources that the barbarians bring to them to whatever city you sent them from. There are no buildings in the hoard you can upgrade, and you cant train troops from the hoard. However, barbarians will eventually find out your troops arent really barbarians and will attack them regularly. You can lessen how often they attack by researching barbarian culture and thereby improving your soldier's disguise. Also, you will be open to attack from whatever player discovers your hoard.

Hoards and the resources they bring to you would depend on how many and how big local barbarian cities are. So this would create a downside to capturing barbarian cities, because they would lessen resources brought to your hoard.

This idea is kinda far out and crazy, i know, but it would allow for a more in depth battle and experience with the barbarians as well as use some space that is currently just pretty decorations.
Barbarian hoards would have no defense bonus and no way to get a bonus, so it would also be a liability in that each barbarian or player attack on it would require you to reinforce it. There would be lots of inherent pros and cons and if this idea is accepted im sure that would be a project for the brains over at the playmesh game balance scales.

This is more of a long term idea, maybe.something for valor 3.0. Let me know what you think, and as always, thanks for making a great game!

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boosting and training more troops ( training booster)

Postby ahrentis » Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:56 pm

hi Playmesh, thank for creating this great game. i have suggestion on creating training boost for troops.
reason: crucial moment when we have to defend, support, or attacks more. could you add in the store some kind "open recruitment/ training - booster thing- for 50 gold you can have full 24 hours faster training time. many thanks for this experience. hope to see more game development from you guys.

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Postby Commander1032 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:54 am

I suggest allowing account sitting; so players that go on vacation or away from wifi, can set another player to maintain their cities - otherwise after months of playing the vacationer has to quit due to being away so long.
Also suggest allowing players to control their troop movements from anywhere- example: a guild can send offensive units to another member city a support. (like close to an enemy city); then intead of having to recall the troops to command them, the guild can command their troops to attack from there. This way troops can be moved where needed much quicker.

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Postby Destructomatt » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:38 am

Battle animations: when you attack you have the option to watch the city you are attacking be attacked by your army and you can see the enemy forces at your walls when you're attacked, just thought this would be a improvement on the massive anticlimax of battles at the min. Don't get t wrong, I love the game and this is my only issue with it. Ps- who ever said the valor music is annoying is wrong the in game music rocks
Many thanks

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Postby Destructomatt » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:41 am

Battle animations: when you attack you have the option to watch the city you are attacking be attacked by your army and you can see the enemy forces at your walls when you're attacked, just thought this would be a improvement on the massive anticlimax of battles at the min. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and this is my only issue with it. Ps- who ever said the valor music is annoying is wrong the in game music rocks
Many thanks

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Postby MyName999 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:37 am

There's some things I would like to see in new Valor versions:

1. A supplementary field for the cities, that would be shown in the cities list. Name it "Info". And maybe, try to enable the sorting either by cities names, or by this "Info" field (with priorities enabled). This field would be hidden for extern people, maybe just revealed if someone cap the city...

2. In the cities list, number of incoming attacks are shown! Perfect!!! Maybe add too the number of other incomings (support) as well as outgoing mooves (support and attacks sent).

3. In cities listing (again), add a button that sort cities by proximity from a selected city (yeeeeeaaah, :-D)

4. In the game, to change, just give us a small notepad with possibility to add some ideas, to BB tag players, as well as guilds and/or locations.

Anyway, thx for the game and for everything you builded around!

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Postby MyName999 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:23 am

OK, just a remark: usage of switchers in Valor prefs aren't logical.

Take a look at apple prefs pane: you see a light 0=it's disabled / you see a dark 1=it's enabled.

In Valor prefs, it's the contrary!!!

Maybe Apple copyrighted these switchs? So please use the M shaped switcher where both 1 and 0 are shown, each on their side, but where the downed side show what's on...

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Postby Jodamann » Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:58 am

This forum itself is an interesting differentiator from other games. For example, it Never was feasible for sid meiers original development of mega seller civ.

It is interesting that you recognize that thus forum is part of the process of game development.

My ask is that you consider providing the messgaes that are found most interesting - by playmesh - in a central location or thread. While i Observe the acknowledgements done on individual threads, i dont read them all. I would find it interesting which ones make that cut. That would help train me make a better suggestion.



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Postby MyName999 » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:38 am

About speed worlds, seems that some players play it in groups, sharing all the prices by alterning the winner and cooperating in order to win each time...

This kill the game!

In order to have real individual speed world, or at least to make them more difficult to play this way, I suggest that:

- Mails are disabled in speed worlds
- Players names are blanks, or all the same (Player)

Gratz for the game :-D

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Postby KMT » Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:39 am

that's what happens when developers are not good players: we always find a way. And i don't think disabling mails or hiding names can help: people get in touch on kakao or on any other messenger.
I did not play a speed world yet but if i do i will not be playing alone ;)
we just cannot avoid bugs and glitches but sometimes we can use them against our enemies...

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