Reaching out to all Android players

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Postby Greyhigh » Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:17 am

I tested the Android waters in A1, but was still primarily using my old iPad Touch. Currently I am in W79 and W100 on my Android, and I suppose I will have to join A3 and test some more. I don't know how active I will be since I am busy in the other worlds. I will definitely join A6 tho, it would be sentimental because that is when I joined Valor when W6 opened up.
Thank you again for your reply Luominosity, and letting us know where PM is and what they are working on. That helps a lot when we know what is happening.

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Postby Blitzkrieg12 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:56 pm

Nice to meet you Luominosity! I would love for us Android users to have the opportunity to destroy our apple counter-parts in valor once our version has been updated. Should be fun! The simulator update was huge! Thank you!

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Postby Bolba » Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:16 pm

I only ask that you allow android users to pick between android only worlds and iOS worlds. I got my wife and a friend at work to start playing and they are both hooked but they are both on android and I am on iPhone and It would be much more enjoyable to be able to actually play with them both.

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Postby Xanion » Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:15 am

It is possible now to play my IOS games on Android now? When I open Android version I only see Android worlds. I would love to play my IOS games on Android, dont' need to carry my Ipad around the whole day then.

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Postby Greyhigh » Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:28 am

Xanion wrote:It is possible now to play my IOS games on Android now? When I open Android version I only see Android worlds. I would love to play my IOS games on Android, dont' need to carry my Ipad around the whole day then.

Submit a ticket to PM requesting to transfer your iOS account to your Android device. It takes about a week, but any worlds you are currently playing on iOS will transfer over to your Android. You just can't join new iOS worlds after W100 so far on the Android.

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Location: Idaho

Postby Greyhigh » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:59 pm

iOS is getting a major overhaul from what I have heard is happening in the beta. Since Android wasn't invited to the beta, it seems that we may not see these incredible new things. Can we please get some info as to if we are also getting the update, or if it is still years down the road? Thanks!

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Postby sancheezy » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:11 pm

As someone who has played since Valor came out on Android, I must say it has come a long way. From the early days of no forum access at all (would just crash the game) to now having a simulator is awesome.

With that said, I must say that city management needs to be a top priority (I know you mentioned it would be but I wanted to share my frustration). I hear about iOS people complaining about their arrows when we Android people have been at a huge disadvantage here. The current process is very very slow (unbearably slow for me) and many times causes the game to crash. I probably spend as much time loading cities as I spend in them setting my queue or buying scholarship. In my opinion, the game is basically not worth my time once I get to 30+ cities on Android. At that stage, you are spending multiple hours to simply scroll through them (I know it takes a few hours to get through 100 on iOS) but the loading between cities has gotten worse and worse on Android and I spend sometimes minutes simply switching between two cities (now multiply that times the number of cities you have and you can see how hours can be wasted simply staring at the loading screen with your fingers crossed that the city will come up). This is so bad in fact that I have abandoned most worlds I play in when I get above 20 cities. It is simply a giant waste of my time and takes away from gameplay for me to the point where it is not enjoyable.

Couple that with the small glitches people mention here i.e. market issues still in game limiting my ability to send resources, forum admin not there, threads in forum simply disappearing (or getting pushed back so far that we are unable to scroll between pages like iOS players can), cities on city list simply disappearing (this started after the last update), and the countless other threads started by all Android players on in this forum (many by myself already). I use the "Go To My City" option which crashes many times to try and get around this problem.

I think the "Android" only worlds are brutal. You should at least rank the guilds there from a guild page standpoint (I can live without the leaderboards but I mean isn’t this whole game based on relative performance against other players?). It would be nice to know if your guild is ranked first or thirty-first.

I appreciate what you guys have done; most issues we bring up are tackled in a timely manner. I simply wanted to share my experience with the game and why, it is fun for a little while, but long term will turn players off that are serious about playing.



Postby Orlor » Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:56 pm

Hi guys.

I just finished talking with Luominosity and wanted to confirm a few things.

City management is high on the priority list for Android. In fact there is at least one change that should make life a lot easier on Android coming soon.

In regards to iOS to Android worlds that is something that will be not be possible in the near future due to the way the new worlds will work. This is why there are Android only worlds right now, in preparation for that.

Due know that having worlds again where Android and iOS players can live in peace and harmony (well besides the contest conquering/farming) is our ultimate goal.

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W100 IOS worth getting android phone

Postby DaZrA » Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:13 am

I'm currently on w100 and thinking about upgrading my phone going to android rather than iphone ios. It sounds like to me I won't be able to transder from ios w100 to an android phone? If I could then it likely not to be stable, bugged or I might lose access to w100 using android?

Could you please clarify?

Many thanks,


Postby Luominosity » Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:52 pm

Hi All - sorry for being away for a bit.

@DaZrA - send a note to our support team through and we'll see what we can do for you.

@sancheezy - guild and region rankings coming out in less than a week. City management tools are on the way as well. We built an early version of city scrolling that allowed you to jump between cities on the city overview page, but I'd rather give you guys a more complete version where you can go between cities on any page (helpful for farming, scholarship etc.). Thus, city scrolling won't be coming out in the upcoming release but a future one instead.

@Greyhigh - definitely on our roadmap, although as Orlor mentioned, it's not something that we'll be able to do in the near future. We're still working on completing backend scaling, but will move into full feature development mode soon.

Once we have the new leaderboard system in, we're going to start running competitions within Android worlds, so stay tuned!

With a raised glass,

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