Legacy Worlds to Return (Vote on the 1st Legacy World)

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Postby Lourenceofchico » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:17 am

I'm glad you are bringing them back.... But as I only play in 1 world at a time and commit to finish what I start, I'd love to see legacy worlds become shorter. Faster speeds and a smaller format would suit me fine. Add a way to end the world and have a winner, and Valor would be much improved.

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:22 am

OMG......... This might actually bring me back to play Valor. I just hope the newbs join so they can be taught how to actually play the game vs thinking 2 months is a long period of time to be in a world.

My vote

Market 7 days
NO tier research *sorry i hate that*

I would vote on facebook, but Quark blocked me from commenting/voting/liking anything on their page. DERP
Valor is the eHarmony of the nerd world

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:24 am

CorranHalcyon wrote:30k, 3 level research 3/2 troop/world speeds. Maybe I'd come back to valor for that.

they are trying to break us........ but i think this might do the job
Valor is the eHarmony of the nerd world

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Postby Housed13 » Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:07 am

I vote 3 teir research lets bring back strategy to the game

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Postby CallmeB » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:27 pm

I've gone by many names and played in many worlds. 50k sounds good to a point.
1- quark will need to set win conditions
2- the world will take a long time so limit spawns
3- barbs should be a mixture of old school and new.
4- guilds should be 60+ members and sister guilds should be allowed to win together
5- speed needs to be quick

I'm so glad all my enemies can join the same world!!

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Postby AceDragon » Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:22 pm

No make them just like the first few worlds.
World speed 1
Unit speed 1
No market
No research
Loyalty regen per hour 2
With 50 player guilds

Shouldn't the first legacy world be like the first few worlds of Valor

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Postby Mok » Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:43 am

Pipulation 20k
Speed 2/3
Level 1 research
Market on
Respawn 5
Limited coin use only for instant spy and ressource boost.
Or no coin use at all.

I have lot of guild mates excelent players but they dont use coin. Quark when still playmesh used to promote that Valor is different and stick out coz of strong comunitiy its build arround the game. Which is or was true.
But with new set up game lost a lot of that. Many choose not to play any more coz its hard to keep up with ppl who spend huge amounts of coin.
So comunities breaks up. Good players are leaving. Good friends are leaving.
This is not against those who spend coin. I spend it also.
It would be just nice to bring back the charm this game use to have.

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Sooo excited!

Postby Fun_Bec » Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:21 am

fortheLOVE wrote:58k!!! I'd like to see the game I originally loved so much.

I totally agree!!

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Postby MyName999 » Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:38 am

30-60k population
2-3 for each speed (no speed under 2 !!!), maybe even try a 4-4 :-D
I prefer 1-level research
Markets for sure!
50 members guild limit !!!

No chaos, no negative scholars...

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Postby MyName999 » Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:39 am

And no bugs! No glitches! No exploits!!!

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