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Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:21 pm
by Castlesmith
I have gazed upon the "splendor" of the PM staff.........and I have found them wanting.
PwnLaw, I have weighed and measured your mighty visage and found you lacking the strength of character to scare a flea.
Nickisparks, own own Spaklies makes you seem like a dimmed bulb in a world of a carnival clowns.
Bananabanana, need I say anymore? Keep tending your garden and leave the fighting to the rest of us. Someone needs to feed the wounded.
We are waiting with drawn swords, raised lances and berserkers we have not fed in a week. We are ready for you.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:46 pm
by PwnLaw
Logan Blade wrote:I see that the time has come! Finally, after 99 other worlds, the villainous curs of Play Mesh raise their cowardly heads out of the shadows of Valor. Now is the time to strike and behead these fools!
I have used my magical iPhone scrying crystal and have peered not only into Valor, but also other universes. I came upon a universe called "YouTube", where I have gazed upon the faces of PwnLaw, Nickisparks, bananabandana, and others as they have foolishly explained their building and troop strategies and given away other information. That's right, Play Mesh. We know your secrets. LOL
I must admit, it will be a shame to dispatch such a pretty lass as Nickisparks, but what needs to be done must be done. Do not try to use your womanly charms to dissuade me, it will not work. On second thought, go ahead and try if you are so inclined. I like a challenge. ;-)
Play Mesh cannot hope to win this war, only merely survive should be decide to show mercy...but do not count on it. You do not believe my words? No matter. The streets will run red with the blood of the non-believers. Our Blades of Death shall see to it and we will be your DOOM!!!

Clearly you know not of my catapult rush. You are young and unwise in the ways of the world. I have delved the deepest mysteries of Valor, I have dwelled in the I've seen things, ok man? Terrible things.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 1:47 pm
by PwnLaw
Castlesmith wrote:I have gazed upon the "splendor" of the PM staff.........and I have found them wanting.
PwnLaw, I have weighed and measured your mighty visage and found you lacking the strength of character to scare a flea.
Nickisparks, own own Spaklies makes you seem like a dimmed bulb in a world of a carnival clowns.
Bananabanana, need I say anymore? Keep tending your garden and leave the fighting to the rest of us. Someone needs to feed the wounded.
We are waiting with drawn swords, raised lances and berserkers we have not fed in a week. We are ready for you.

Was it a big flea?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:02 pm
by WolfVallen
Then you will die a slow and agonizing death :)

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:43 pm
by Castlesmith
Smaller than a pimple on a wart on a gnat on the fleas butt!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:10 pm
by Logan Blade
PwnLaw wrote:Clearly you know not of my catapult rush. You are young and unwise in the ways of the world. I have delved the deepest mysteries of Valor, I have dwelled in the I've seen things, ok man? Terrible things.

We have heard of these you speak of. But remember, you are facing the best Valor has. We will examine these and quickly turn them against you. As for your rush...a minor nuisance.
Admittedly, with your godlike powers of admin tools, you are literally the Gods and Goddesses of Valor. But you have foolishly given up those powers and are now mortals just like the rest of us. 25 versus thousands? I almost feel sorry for you...almost. LOL

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:40 pm
by Castlesmith
Beware my sting thou cankerous codpiece-sniffing harpy!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:59 pm
by burford_bunny
Castlesmith wrote:Beware my sting thou cankerous codpiece-sniffing harpy!

Ohhh I get it. The flea is you. It all makes sense now.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:12 pm
by Calculon
Still haven't heard a response on this suggestion from an admin... And as to deathvirus' response, it sounds like just the idea has already struck fear into his eyes and has him second guessing whether he will attack orlor so quickly

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:20 pm
by PwnLaw
Calculon wrote:Still haven't heard a response on this suggestion from an admin... And as to deathvirus' response, it sounds like just the idea has already struck fear into his eyes and has him second guessing whether he will attack orlor so quickly

Gold is only for taking out a PlayMesher. Mostly we want folks to feel the glory that comes from losing their army to a PlayMesher and gold seems like a nice little added bonus to assist them in this folly.