Discussion for 2.0 Valor Changes

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Postby Duke24 » Thu May 31, 2012 9:10 pm

I started in W4 back when it was called Bonus 4. I hope you plan on bringing all the new things to W4 soon, competitions would be great in the guild with a bunch of people with 300+ cities.

Thank you PlayMesh, I hope to see more changes and also no more bugs.

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Postby Stupendium » Thu May 31, 2012 9:17 pm

Hurray for dropping Chaos - now all you to do is make this app work in horizontal mode! Pretty please!


Postby PwnLaw » Thu May 31, 2012 9:55 pm

Duke24 wrote:I started in W4 back when it was called Bonus 4. I hope you plan on bringing all the new things to W4 soon, competitions would be great in the guild with a bunch of people with 300+ cities.

Thank you PlayMesh, I hope to see more changes and also no more bugs.

Hey Duke --

So we're going to be testing out competitions in the new world to make sure they've got the right feel. Assuming they aren't breaking anything, we plan to push the competitions across all of the prior worlds as well. Our goal is to keep them very competitive so people who get the badges feel like they've really accomplished something worth bragging about (which means we have to dynamically change the # of prizes as the world ages).


Postby PwnLaw » Thu May 31, 2012 9:59 pm

Deathnite4 wrote:The updates sound kinda cool. However... I started playing in w4 and have played over 10 dif worlds. The game started out fair and absolutly great. However as the later worlds were released with more upgrades and speed ups, and truces, the ability to buy res, ect. The game became completly unbalanced to the point were only those who pump real money into the game can succeed. Which to me has killed how fun the game used to be. With the addition of competitions you will only be rewarding those who pay you the most, creating even more of a gap between those who pay mass amounts and those who simply want to play the game as it was meant to be played. This is horribly unfair and a slap in the face to those who average ppl who play your game. I have seen players who pay reach 5 cities by the time a normal player I getting there second. Please tell me how this is fair in the least. Your greed is completly destroying what was once the greatest game on the istore. Also reveal incoming troops which you can pay for with real money is a joke, that completly takes away the effectivness of fakes and puts those who pay even farther ahead without them even needing to be on as much as someone who doesn't. I do like that your trying to eliminate chaos as that is another stain on the game in my opinion, that defeats the purpose of supporting your allies. I love the premis and base of this game and woul like to see it fair once again. At this point whoever pumps in the most money will do the best and everyone else is merely cannon fodder, and I see the competitions merely adding to this division. Please please please help this game become great and fair once again. I am sorry for the length of this post but I am very passionate about games that I love.

Hey Deathnite4 -- Thanks for taking the time to respond. Understand your viewpoint and competitions (particularly as we expand) will be very varied to contemplate a broad range of play styles.

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Postby Valonsire » Thu May 31, 2012 10:20 pm

PwnLaw wrote:Hey Deathnite4 -- Thanks for taking the time to respond. Understand your viewpoint and competitions (particularly as we expand) will be very varied to contemplate a broad range of play styles.


Anyways, is Valor ever going to let people in different guilds support each other? Or is there a reason its not implemented?


Postby PwnLaw » Thu May 31, 2012 10:40 pm

Valonsire wrote:xD

Anyways, is Valor ever going to let people in different guilds support each other? Or is there a reason its not implemented?

I wish you could have seen our whiteboard this morning, because this was a prime subject. We're currently running a bunch of simulations, but based upon prior experience (back when there wasn't chaos), we think it's balanced since defense armies stack and attack armies do not. I have it as a top priority over the upcoming weeks to pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to non-chaos worlds and tweak them (which may include adding in features like alliance support) if we think the balancing is where we think it should be.

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Postby Shereef » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:02 am

No chaos, horizontal mode ftw

BA Baracus
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Postby BA Baracus » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:39 am

I like the removal of chaos but didn't like the attack limits. There seems like there is no point having alot of cities if you can't attack with all of them. You have ruined long range attacks removing chaos have you thought of a way to allow a player to take a city 100hrs away without loosing it immediately? Eg begginer protection on new cities for 24hrs to allow support to arrive. Inter allied support is necessary for this same reason. Can I also suggest varied truce times eg 25 coins for 12hrs and 10 coins for 6hrs. Long range attacks are my favorite and I would hate to see this game turn into a bunch of players taking barbarians due to the difficult to impossible nature of sending scholars 12 hrs. Please consider that this game is not sim city :)

BA Baracus
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Postby BA Baracus » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:54 am

One other suggestion. I think it would b wise to add 1 coin to the wheel of fortune. A way of collecting coins over time would b great. I would be more inclined to buy coins to support play mesh if this was the case

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Postby Haxton » Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:24 am

I think there should be an option for crowns of guilds to view how many troops there people have so that they can better plan attacks and no whether support is needed or not in the instance that a trip wire is activated and the person is not around. This should only be available to crowns and all they can do is view the troops but no control is available to change or do anything to the members kingdom.

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