Valor is currently down due to Amazon Web Services Issue

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Postby PwnLaw » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:02 am

Naita wrote:Does anyone else think it would make sense, if Playmesh, froze Valor during this outages. If valor time stopped for say 8 hours, and then restarted, exactly as it was, as if no time had passed.

isn't that the way to solve the problem?

We spoke a bit about this earlier internally. It would require a significant redesign of how we currently handle time. It would also result in none of the clocks matching other clocks in other worlds (since some worlds would run on true Valor time while others would be offset by prior outages). It's still something I'm interested in investigating, but I'd prefer to figure out a solution to the broader issue of server downtime.

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Postby Wh0r » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:12 am

PwnLaw wrote:We spoke a bit about this earlier internally. It would require a significant redesign of how we currently handle time. It would also result in none of the clocks matching other clocks in other worlds (since some worlds would run on true Valor time while others would be offset by prior outages). It's still something I'm interested in investigating.

doesn't feel like the right solution to me, and it could cause unforeseen issues.

giving everyone 500 free gold is the easiest solution for all parties involved.

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Postby cjclags » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:12 am

I have just discovered something. War of Kingdoms, Camelot, and KoC all absolutely suck, royally. Going to find something else to do as Valor=Only good android game

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Postby Bbloksma » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:15 am

Darhorse, with you own servers you can have just as much downtime. Also (up/down)scaling will become harder when worlds become less/more active.
Off course Playmesh could start running their own server farm but then they would need to have people managing them. An of course, they would need to put them in a datacenter to make sure there are plenty and fast redundant internet connections available. And they need to buy a complete backup structure in case something happens to the first set and..... before you know it you a are doing a lot of the things Amazon is doing now.

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Postby Smog » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:20 am

How about you also join something else along with amazon, as a backup. It could be cheap and slow, better than nothing

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Postby Longhaul » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:20 am

DjMcBrien wrote:Hey orlor any news yet? Just getting bored harrasing my cats now because I can't message bunny on world 100 anymore :(

Everyone if you just shut your moaning they would be able to try to sort it out.. I'm sure they will be able to get the game back and running again shortly and no doubt your things will be edited or something just let them figure it out f#%+ never seen so much moaning

Hmmm it's 12 hours later

Can I moan yet!!!!!!!!!!!

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Postby Smog » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:23 am

Me too? Please

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Postby Reddragon78 » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:23 am

I don't care anymore about any benefits from the gold I have bought, about the warehouses that might be full, about compensation or even that I'm on my second day of sick leave in a row from a job I haven't had a sick day from in 11 years (thinking at least I have Valor). No! What I care about is the fact that my only resort has been to start playing angry birds again! Someone please take my phone off me!!!!!!

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Postby Smog » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:24 am

I'm not complaining to PM, but amazon

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Postby Bbloksma » Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:25 am

Wh0r, giving EVERYONE 500 free gold does not help. Free gold is only usefull when one or several players have suffered a problem when other did not and there needs to be a way to sort of even out the disadvantage. In this case we all suffer.

Of course some people, like me, spent gold on a queue extender or something else with a time limit and it would be nice if there were a way to compensate those people.

Oh yeah, of course I would not mind some free gold as a gift. ;-)
Stopping Valor time seems a quick solution to outages like this but I agree that I would rather have Valor time keeping pace with regular time. Right now everyone can get from Valor time to local time with no problem.

Orlor/PwnLaw , if this outage is going to last a bit longer could you look into skipping 24 hrs by moving all "queued but incompleted at the time of the outage" actions 24 hrs forward? That way local time and Valor time are still in sync but the outage LOOKS like it lasted 24 hrs shorter and people can still react in time to attacks and stuf like that.

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