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Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:25 am
by Retoor
chillax dudes, all will be good.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:26 am
by DjMcBrien
Filthysnotrag wrote:Of course! This way they have more time to play the game themselves! That is, after cleaning up the clustersomething.

Ah yes I remember them discussing it so that amazon gets in major issues and has a server crash! Must have missed that forum topic :(

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:26 am
by Brikel
Sft2010 wrote:Amazons Relational Database Service (N. Virginia) RDS database instances are experiencing connectivity issues in a single Availability Zone

23rd Oct 2:25 AM PDT Our recovery process to bring remaining RDS instances back on-line in the affected AZ is continuing at a steady pace. Customers can launch new database instances. As noted before, customers with impaired DB instances do have the option of initiating a Point in Time Restore operation.
23rd Oct 4:00 AM PDT We are making steady progress bringing back remaining RDS instances back on-line in the affected AZ. RDS instances in other unaffected AZs in the region continue to operate normally.
23rd Oct 6:37 AM PDT We continue to make progress towards restoring access to the remaining DB Instances in the affected Availability Zone. The service continues to operate normally for the rest of DB Instances in the Region.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (N. Virginia) Degraded EBS performance in a single Availability Zone

23rd Oct 4:21 AM PDT We are continuing to work on restoring IO for the remainder of affected volumes. This will take effect over the next few hours. While this process continues, customers may notice increased volume IO latency. The re-mirroring will proceed through the rest of today.
23rd Oct 6:33 AM PDT The remainder of the affected ELB load balancers have been recovered and the service is operating normally.

We have restored IO for the majority of EBS volumes. A small number of volumes will require customer action to restore IO. We are in the process of contacting these customers directly with instructions on how to return their volumes to service.

Volumes affected during this event are continuing to re-mirror (which we expect will continue through the remainder of the day). While this process continues, customers may notice increased volume IO latency.

The remirroring of volumes means the actual storage devices (hard drives) were severely impacted by the outage. Remirroring is a process of copying the same data across multiple drives so no data is lost if a drive goes down. This suggests they lost some drives and that process can take time and will cause slow downs as you compete with the copy process. This also tells me the drives are not on the server but located in. Storage array that gets mounted on the server. That USA rurally good news but also can be complicated when it breaks.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:27 am
by Daft Vader
Greyhigh and others, really appreciate you posting the unintelligible Amazon Orcese. Unfortunately, im a muppet and have no idea what it means, not sure they do either to be honest. But doesn't change the point. Either Playmesh should say Amazon is not up as far as we are concerned and won't be for x hours. Or
Amazon are back, it is now in our control and it will take x hours. Alternatively they could say, I'm sorry we haven't a clue, this could take another week as far as

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:28 am
by Infusion
DEAR Playmesh.. Can You please make a Server Update Announcement in the Annoucement forum. And lock out all the comments.. Do point them here to comment. There are some people who think we want to hear a comment cone out their mouths every 2nd comment.. When really most of us come here lookin for a status Updatte on our Beloved game.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:29 am
by Sft2010
What I posted means that Amazon has no clue how long its gonna take. It also means that it is still out of PM's hands.

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:31 am
by Kegg
Infusion wrote:DEAR Playmesh.. Can You please make a Server Update Announcement in the Annoucement forum. And lock out all the comments.. Do point them here to comment. There are some people who think we want to hear a comment cone out their mouths every 2nd comment.. When really most of us come here lookin for a status Updatte on our Beloved game.


I agree, lock out all comments except for server status

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:31 am
by michseeine
amazon anounced it hours ago:
"...The re-mirroring will proceed through the rest of today."

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:33 am
by Sinnead
Will be glad when it's up again! I had to drop from one guild to join another and am now in "no man's land until then :-/

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:34 am
by michseeine
coords Sinnead ?? lol