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Valor U: Guild management tip contest

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:23 pm
by Tim
Valor University

Our current discussion topic: guild management!

Anyone have good guild management tips or strategies? For instance, using excel/google docs to help coordinate attacks, using emoji to make graphical designations in the forum, etc? Share them here for the world of Valor to learn from.

As a yummy reward:
50 gold for the top-10 tip posters (as judged by the Valor team)


Post your entry here, the last day to post is 11/18 Valor time! This is our first ever Valor U contest so rules subject to change.

Good luck and have fun!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:32 pm
by Boomhaur
I use emoji it easy and adds alittle  and makes people 

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:00 pm
by Rotcod5627
Guild members use other chatting apps that you need a code to join. Also people become spies and join other guilds to find information

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:16 pm
by BedLamPing
First and foremost, try to encourage a fun atmosphere  ... Valor is a game! An awesome game, but a game nonetheless. Try to promote guild forum involvement, so that newbies don't feel out of their depth and can learn from veterans.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:55 am
by SirSweetness
Simple but powerful for early guild success:
1. Establish a simple and orderly forum that is especially advantageous to new to Valor players. A tutorial, basics of valor, initial build order, and Q&A for new players will help them get off and running. You have no way to weed out new people to the game, and they are essential to making Valor a successful game, so it makes sense to help the ones on your team as success as possible as early as possible. Then they can help clean up the other newbies :) This will help them to enjoy the game and play more often as well!
2. Encourage all players to "farm their yard." By attack all nonplayer cities and barbarians cities within one hour travel time of their city, they can boost their resource production and therefore accellerate city growth.
3. Finally, all members should be encouraged to reach out to their local guild members and get to know them. This creates an opportunity for resource swapping, quick support, and coordinated attacks that can be crucial early in the game. They can also watch out for each other's cities while away from the game.
That's my piece... SHOW ME THE MONEY!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:32 pm
by Tim
We will see how yours stacks against the competition. :) Awesome post though.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:55 pm
by Trekkka
A guild should really consist of;
DAILY LOG : so that members can log in when there online so that other members know who's available!
OFF TOPIC : A basic get to know me get to know you
QUESTIONS : Much needed for help towards the new members or starter players, even for experienced players!
RECRUITMENT : A place for members to post BB-codes of certain players or locations for recruitment by higher players!

WAR ROOM (Forum)
GUILD ATTACKS/WAR : (also could post sub forums of guild names where a full forum is needed) This is where members post there incoming attacks or outgoing to other guild members therefor can help with strategic battles!
LONE FIGHTERS : The same as above but against players who are not part of a guild!
UP FOR GRABS : We have this in our forums where members can post information about ideal cities or barbs for conquering (alwys helpful for higher leveled players)

TRADING : A place for trading between guild members set out like so;
Offered : **** Iron
Wanted : **** Clay etc.
RESOURCE LOANS : This is where trusted players in need of resources go to ask for loans off fellow members and have to pay back the amount if not with interest. This is for guilds with trusted members and loyalty!

GUIDES (forum)
Well basically sub forums of guides aimed at all levels, some guides such as building levels or troop numbers for the beginners and some such as conquering a city or scholars for higher levels.... The guides should always have a variety for all different levels of players!

A must have for all guilds where the leaders set out certain rules and regulations within the guild so that there is peace, respect and deciency within the guild especially to stop bullying!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:39 pm
by DasLord
The best way to manage your guild is by promoting and encouraging members to be active, specially in the forum. One tip I use is only granting General status to those that are above a certain points criteria but that also maintain continuous use of the forum. Answering questions, posting questions, sharing tips/tricks/ideas, anything as long as they are active. If you are a General and don't post on the forum for an extended period of time you will be demoted. This keeps members active and gives them an incentive for being active. I find this makes for a better team as a whole.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:55 pm
by LordBrevik
Really you can't manage a guild on your own. There has to be few players that you get along with to manage smaller groups, think the way the U.S. Military works. Squads work.
Giving members as much clear, easy to read, info you can helps, but you got to keep it all short and to the point. "These troops are for this; those troops are for that. This is how you use BB-Codes. Overall points don't matter as much as troops and/or kill score. Think about city placement."
The same goes for the forum; you can't have 15 or so forums with 7+ threads within each of them. Keep it clean. Keep it short. Delete the old and irrelevant.
But what I've found really work is teamwork and challenges. First challenge, everyone in a squad has to get an Academy. Second, everyone in a squad must conquer a 15k city. Third challenge, who can take the most cities from this guild. And so on...this all fails if the squad doesn't work together. It's better to work together. Losses are spread out amongst several players, which means less resources lost per player, less time recouping, more conquering.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:37 am
by STE50
That's a lot of info to take in , all in one go . I , myself have started a Guild a few days back ! But I'm still struggling to make sense of the game. Oh , I'm mosst certainly NOT buying fools gold , for real cash. Any advice would be greatly appreciated ,