5 Ranks: Valor is ready to add a fith rank!

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5 Ranks: Valor is ready to add a fith rank!

Postby LordJAG » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:11 pm

With the inclusion of the 60 guild members back in valor, a fith rank needs to be created.
This sugesstion is from a military point of view. In the US Military a basic Infantry platoon has 38 ppl. An officer ( which could be be the warlord). A platoon sergeant (general in valor) and squad leaders (captains in valor).
However, in a basic squad you have two fire teams with one step leaders below squad leader.
This, is the rank we are missing in valor!!! I will tell you from playing this game since W38 and being in the US Army as an officer, there is little diffrence between the two!! A private(warrior) will act like a private lol. they need small team guidence!
Furthermore, im not a fan really of what Valor calls its ranks anyway but if you need mentorship on that, call me! -LordJAG w58 SOCOM

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Postby Vasasalo » Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:20 pm

Lol @ officers. It's a game not the army. That being said there's some good posts on this already if you use the search function.

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Postby Manaeus » Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:11 pm

Also, a warlord ahd be able to compel under threat of kicking from the guild. I.E., he makes the war plan and all must participate.

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