Leader Of Guild Overmaster!!!

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Vasasalo » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:26 pm

If everyone has a problem with you then it's more then likely your personality or something you did/ was planning. People are funny about leaving a good coalition mainly because 9 out of 10 time that coalition will then turn and swallow up that guild.

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Postby Vexulinculen » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:28 pm

No, I did nothing wrong.

It wast my guikd that wanted me gone, it was the coalition, the way there values and morals were set up and the way they were running things I didn't like, so I was taking my guikd to leave, my second in command kicked me and put the guikd back in the Coaliton.

It was a Nightmare Coaliton vote, meaning people not even in my guikd voted to have me out so my whole guikd would stay, cause I was the strongest guikd in the Coaliton, top 3 when I was kicked and then it became a top 5.

Then he demoted everyone so I couldn't get back in to change things again. He and nightmare completely stole the guild. I was betrayed, I didn't do anything wrong to my members or anything, it was just a power hungry Coaliton.

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Postby Vexulinculen » Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:29 pm

But I think a vote system should be into the guild, as well as Vetos.

This vote system could be used for a variety of things, such as attacking another guikd or electing leadership or denoting someone. Or even kicking. I think this would really help out running guilds and save forum space.

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Postby Destroyer75 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:29 pm

No dude you gave the wrong person the power and if the others want to stay with him that's going to happen make a new one as for the voting idea no there's like 600 cons for that

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Postby Greyzz » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:46 pm

vexulinculen, why did u give him the authority as a crown on the first hand ?
and if your members are all agree with u, and they are kicked from the guild also..then u can start a new guild with the same old member right ?later u might oppose them as well.. :)
w50 xenith right ? :)
-If we don't end war, war will end us-
and the more you sweat in peacetime, the less you bleed during war.

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Postby Vexulinculen » Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:35 pm

Ok guys.

I started my guikd from nothing and made us a top 3 guild. My leadership isn't the blame, also, Valoratus priced himself for months and finally we as a guikd decided to put another leader as well, to help solve disputes and handle things when I'm absent, thing is, after a week, he became power hungry and left, he didn't kick the other members he just demoted them. Also, they don't want to leave because they like the guild even if they don't like the leader they are just gonna lead themselves.

Also, what I mean by the vote is that, it is something that could be used by the warlords. However rules.

It cannot be used until the Guild creator has gone inactive for 1week.

This way when he elects others he cannot be kicked out of spite or betrayed. And if gone for a time the guikd can then vote him to be demoted and then someone else can take control and run the guild.
I think this is a good idea to keep leadership running smooth and help guikd leaders elect members.

I think the guild creator should have the title of "king" -Male, "Queen"- female,

Or even "Overlord" then "warlord" and "captain" and so forth.

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Postby Alz » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:41 am

Suppose you did keep your guild. When go against the sister guilds you were in alliance with they would have decided to attack you. Give your defecting guild mates a choice join the alliance or be destroyed.
Even if you did not agree with them I am sure the alliance would turn on you rather than leave you to play happy Sim City. This game is so cut throat and there is more than one way to skin a cat.

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Postby Vasasalo » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:01 am

Yeah. That's what I was getting at too. Point is learn from it and get paranoid. You can usually tell the people that are power hungry. They will be the ones that keep emailing you or posting in forums how they use to be a crown and this was what they would do or etc etc. these are the people you DON'T want to give power to. And if they continue after you tell them to knock it of Kick them to save yourself the hassle of some trying to create a mutiny.

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Postby Destroyer75 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:39 am

For the voting system to work it should be 3 weeks

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Postby RockNRoll » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:33 am

Been said a million times by now but the best and really only thing you can do is email all players and ask them to join your new guild. If not, you're virtually screwed and it might be better to join another guild that's part of an alliance against your old guilds alliance. Then you can at least get revenge at some point

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